
Sneaking Out


10-29-2013, 10:20 PM
OOC//New thread will open soon for all uninjured Seracians and refugees to respond to.

A call from the border would swing the man's attention from his work as he he began to make his way to it. He knew the Seracians would be harboring Valhallan refugees from the war, and he wondered if they had arrived yet. He had been patrolling the borders on a constant basis, spending his time ensuring the marks were strong so discourage rival packs or rogues that might want to trespass. He sure as hell wouldn't let an enemy behind his lines, and if he saw one then he would stop it at all costs. He disliked the idea of war to a high degree, but there was nothing he could do about the one that had initiated. Before, he had thought about offering himself to go with the small group that his King had sent off, but he thought twice about as instead he would stay behind to protect his pack...and Aeil. That much was worth a lot more then risking life and limb in battle. Although he had vowed to protect his pack with his life, he was smarter in doing so by staying with the ones he had come to love. If he was going to die someday, he would do it within his Seracian home...not slain in the field of some foreign battle.

At last the large beast would make his way into the view of others, padding up behind Loccian as his gentle red gaze fell upon the refugees. He had appeared to hear the words of a wolf whom he presumed to be the healer, asking if she could tend to the wounds of two slaves...his eyes fell upon the raggedy pair, his heart going out to them when he saw the poor conditions they were in. The male with them seemed to be healthy, and judging by the pelt of the boy and that of the other girl, it seemed to him that the pair might be twins. And the way they remained close together, they radiated a close bond that was different then the bond between him and Aeil. Glancing at Loccian for a brief moment, he'd turn back to the trio and nodded. "I will personally watch over the pair seeking refuge. If Valhalla does not feel safe and secure with them among them, then I will find a spot away from those who object. It would not be in our code to leave them out for the devil to claim, they clearly need help. And if they ran from their pack, I would not blame them...the conditions you are in are deplorable, and whoever has done this to you then I wish them the most painful death. He flicked his tail, seeing the looks in some of their eyes indicating that they felt uncomfortable with the Amentian slaves there. Inside he would feel ashamed of them. Because to him, even in the time of war, everyone should help each other even if they were on the enemy side. And just because they belonged to Amenti, didn't necessarily mean that they wanted to be there. There's always a story behind a reason, and he would be sure to get their story and hopefully speak to Maverick about it. He knew that packs such as Amenti would probably come looking for the runaways, and Dragon would do what he could to try and keep them away from such a life...especially when they were as young as the girl Avalon.

He looked to Loccian then, a look in his eyes that exerted his feelings about it. "I'll see to it that they are taken care of, since it appears that nobody else feels comfortable with them around." he murmured so only she could hear. Turning back to the ragged group, he'd motion to Imena, Avalon, and Gretel to move forth. "You'll come with me, and I'll get you what you need for wounds. Anyone else who needs tending to, feel free to follow." he barked gently as he turned away to head back to the main camp.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis