
Fishes and Friends? [Maverick]


03-09-2013, 02:48 AM
Luana cocked her head to the side, eyes trained upon her surroundings, she was still too young and naive to really understnad that something foul could erupt from her surroundings. She still had the youthfulness to see the good and nobility in people, even when there was none, and so when the red colored pup emerged, a large smile swept across her maw and her tail flew back and forth as he drew closer to her. He was brightly colored unlike her best friend, but his coat reminded her of Ceto's eyes! Ceto had the prettiest eyes! Hers were stupid black!

"My names Luana! Whats yours?" She cocked her head to the side in an adorable fashion as he spoke. If she hadn't been holding down her catch she would have trotted over to greet him better, but as it were, she remained where she was. As he asked if she had caught the thing, she nodded vehemently, tail swishing even faster, despite the fact that she was soaked to the bone, she was still proud of her kill.

"Ya I did! Mama taught me how to catch fishes before she taught me how to catch rabbits! Said fish were harder and if I could learn that then rabbits would be a breeze!" She still remembered her first attempt at trying to procure a fish, She had wound up almost drowning and the second attempt had not gone much smoother, but he wouldn't know that.