
Gimme Shelter

Dorian & Bellamy


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
08-29-2023, 12:46 PM
As Hay settles Bellamy on the furs and offers her comforting words, the woman’s pleading tone and soft whine have the girl’s smile faltering and falling away. Leaning towards her mother, the girl nuzzles her cheek affectionately as she softly says, “I won’t. Promise.” Sleep tugs at her mother and the girl slips from the room, moving out and down the hall to the opening of the cave system to summon her brother for help. Her heart picks up pace as she waits for her tall sibling, thinking about how much Dorian is like their kind, gentle father.

Lost in her thoughts, Haydée has to mentally shake herself when Dorian joins her at the opening of the caves and when he dips his head down to press his nose into her cheek, the girl giggles softly and nuzzles her brother’s cheek affectionally in return. In the middle of Dorian’s question, a wail rips apart the serene atmosphere of the day and both of their hackles raise in response. Wide-eyed and suddenly terrified, the girl follows after her brother’s long strides as he bounds through the tunnels at break neck speed.

They come upon Bellamy in the hallway, curled into a tight ball and gently rocking herself and Dorian quickly steps up to her, offering his help. Hay skids to a stop a short distance behind them and her ears pin back as sadness suddenly rolls through her, threatening to make tears spill down her face at the sorry state their mother is in. As her brother works with Bellamy, Haydée takes those precious seconds to quell the guilt and fear that raises in her chest so that, when Dorian glances over to her and quietly asks for her help, she is able to respond calmly.

With a small nod, Haydée quickly steps up to their mother’s side and says, “Hey mom, come back to bed. Let Dorian check you over and I will go grab you some food to nibble on. Okay?” Her tone is light and kind and the smile she offers is warm, soft, and loving as she gently nudges the much taller woman’s front leg in an attempt to get her to uncurled so that they can assist her back to bed. Looking to her brother she fills him in, “I found mom out in the rain, laying on dad’s grave and crying. She was cold and I… am worried about her. Can you please check her over?”

Bellamy had mentioned going to the Hallows for help but Hay wants to make sure that Ethne really cannot offer all the help that their mother needs. Part of her does not want to ship Bells off to another pack for medical help but she knows that she will do whatever she has to make sure that Bellamy has all the care she needs.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Gimme Shelter Lazuli Falls 03:18 PM, 08-15-2023 06:04 AM, 11-05-2023