
I Am Titanium



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
08-29-2023, 12:52 PM

Haydée is not left waiting long after she summons her siblings as Lucette arrives quickly, wide eyes telling the younger girl that she has worried her sibling. At the woman’s concerned question, a gentle, reassuring smile pulls her lips up as her ears slick back in embarrassment as she says, “Mom is resting right now Lucette. She is okay. I promise.” Any further questions are waylaid by the arrival of Dorian and she offers her brother a warm smile before closing the distance to offer a gentle bump of her head against his leg. “I will get to that once everyone is here. It is okay, Dorian. I promise.”

Promises may just be words but, for Haydée, she intends to make sure that everything truly is okay. For all of them. Lyonesse arrives next and the lines of exhaustion that her sibling attempts to hide cannot be completely erased from her form. Worry knits her brows together even as her sister wags her tail and greets them and Hay mentally makes a note to check in with Nessie more often. Still, Hay offers her sister a warm smile and gentle wag of her own tail, getting ready to answer her sibling when Saga makes her appearance.

The polar bear cub has grown exponentially since the last time Haydée to had seen her and a bright smile is offered to the snow-white bear whose expression remains impassive. Hay joyfully says, “Saga! You made it back! We missed you!” Rounding out the group, Corbin and Rocky join the siblings and the girl offers them both a warm smile as she wags her tail in happiness. Her brother had been the first to discover their father’s corpse and Hay wonders briefly if she should take him along when she goes to speak with the Hallows.

Corbin isn’t the only one that has been reclusive since that day and the girl worries for all her siblings’ well-being. With a dip of her head at Corbin’s question the girl says, “Everything is okay but I need all of your help.” Straightening up, she meets each of their gazes as she begins to explain, “Mom has really been struggling with dad’s death, as we all have been. However, since the birth of Gavroche II, she has deteriorated further. She is having difficulty separating the reborn Gav with the father we knew. As a result, she has stopped eating, grown thin, and has been spending an unhealthy amount of time at dad’s grave.”

Haydée pauses to blow out a small sigh and give her head a small shake before continuing on, “I have talked with mom and she agrees that she needs help. Right now, mom is in no condition to be the Leader and I asked her to let me take over the pack… which she agreed is for the best.” The girl suddenly feels uncomfortable at the fact that she is now their Leader but she powers on because she needs them to know what all is happening, “Dorian gave her a check-up and we have decided that mom needs more help than the pack can give. So, I will be taking mom to the Hallows soon to ask for their medical help.”

Looking at each of her siblings in turn, the girl offers them a warm smile as she says, “I need your help to make sure that everything runs smoothly in the pack while I am gone. When I get back, I will hold a meeting to let the pack know what is happening but right now, I need to go and take care of mom. Can I count on you guys?” Her eyes silently plead with them to understand as the burden of leadership has now been shifted to her shoulders and she needs to make sure that the pack is safe in her absence; no matter how short or long that is.

** OOC: I would like to be able to reply to this soonish so I am setting a deadline of September 7th. If you need more time, just let me know.**

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. I Am Titanium Lazuli Falls 03:30 PM, 08-15-2023 06:16 AM, 11-05-2023