
The Devil Comes A Callin'

Isa Fighting Seaonal



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
08-29-2023, 08:51 PM

The late fall day holds a bite as Malico makes his way through the northern land. Being born on an island, the boy is used to chilly temperatures but, as a gust of wind catches his tall form, he realizes he is not built for the cold northern winters. It is late afternoon, bordering on early evening as the purple boy trots along the length of the crumbled way, looking for a spot to leap through as he makes his way back to Elysium land. Adventure has been calling the young lad and he had gone to the caves near the Armada lands for fun.

Mal had not expected to meet another soul in there but he had and the Armada Princess had a chip on her shoulder the size of the whole continent. Something about her is intriguing and he knows that he will seek her out again but, as the sun had begun its descent across the sky, the boy had excused himself to begin the trek back to Elysium lands. As he reminisces about the pretty lady, the boy comes to spot in the wall that has crumbled low enough that he can easily clear it, so the Mendacium boy does just that and leaps across the stone barrier to land easily on the other side.

Long legs push him onward, towards the safety of Elysium and his family as his thoughts begin to drift off into the fall air. A sudden influx of noise fills the air and Malico pulls to a stop to try and figure out just what the hell is happening. Several deer race toward the tall boy, eyes wide with fear and nostrils flaring in panic as they flee… something. The ground shakes from the sheer force of the large number of deer racing toward him and all the boy can do is watch. Thankfully, the prey animals are smart enough not to get too close to him as all move to clear the wall with surprising ease.

The whole scene is strange, amazing, and a little bit terrifying given the massive number of deer that have just passed by him. Just as Malico begins to question what the creatures are running from; the answer suddenly lumbers into view. A large grizzly hastily makes its way toward him, its own eyes wide and wild with fear. Something has frightened not only a large number of prey animals but a predator as well. The bear spies his purple form standing out in stark contrast against the gray stone of the crumbling wall and it roars its anger at him.

A brow lifts as if to silently say, ’Really?’ as Mall stands tall, his paws firmly planted as he awaits the grizzly bear’s decision. If it turns around and runs, the boy will not pursue it but bears are stupid and never take the correct option. It picks up speed, barreling toward the Mendacium boy with all the force of a run-away freight train. A sigh falls past his dark lips as the boy waits, reading the grizzly’s plan of attack from a mile away. The ground shivers with each thundering paw-step that the bear slaps heavily onto it but the boy is not frightened and holds his ground.

The beast roars as it nears, hoping to squish the boy against the stones behind him. Malico is never one to back down from a fight and, as it closes the gap, the boy suddenly springs into action. In one, smooth motion, he pushes himself off to the side and out of the way of the charging grizzly’s way. It couldn’t slow down enough to stop from hitting the wall and, as the unstoppable force meets an immovable object, the world shakes in response. As the creature’s legs buckle and a dazed look crosses its features, Mal moves, taking the opportunity to sink his obsidian claws deep into the fat and flesh of the bear’s back.

Another roar, this one of pain, fills the air and the bear lashes blindly out. Malico dances away from sharp teeth and claws, avoiding injury as the grizzly regains its senses and rounds on him. Snarls fill the air as boy and beast clash underneath the waning sun.

WC: 709
Total WC: 709 / 1500

"Malico Mendacium"