
The Devil Comes A Callin'

Isa Fighting Seaonal



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
08-29-2023, 08:52 PM
Life has been strange for Enki since his mother’s untimely end. Something inside him had broken and taken away all his emotions. Yet, despite the weirdness that he has felt, the boy has found himself a friend that does not put off by him. Tazzy has been on the pale pink boy’s mind a lot lately and he often finds himself wanting to seek out the joyful youth just so he can simply be in presence. Still, the strange things that have been happening to the pale boy have not gone away and his memories seems to be full of holes. He still wakes up in strange places with no idea of how he got there.

Case in point.

Eyelids sluggishly blink over baby eyes as Enki seems to rouse himself, as if from a deep slumber, even as he continues to walk. Immediately, the boy stops and attempts to figure out where he is. The pale pink wolf has long since given up on trying to understand the why of the situation and moved on to simply accepting these trance-like excursions. Blue eyes land on the crumbling stones that mark the wall in the northern lands and his brow lift in astonishment at the fact that is the furthest he has wandered away before.

Turning himself in the direction of Insomnia lands, Enki starts to move back home when a cacophony of sounds fill the air. Gentle aftershocks reach his toes and the boy looks around in confusion. He is far enough away to not be able to spy the source of the disturbance and he simply waits for everything to settle down. The shivering of the earth finally subsides and he waits a few more moments to make sure nothing else is going to happen but the peace of the day is ruined again as a grizzly’s roar rings through the air.

The boy scents the air as his brain finally spools up to real time and he finds that there is a pack wolf close to the enraged creature. Long legs push Enki forward, sending him racing along the length of the wall as more roars and snarls fill the air and, even though they are not a part of his pack, the boy knows he needs to help them. He arrives to find another tall boy facing off against the enraged beast, the bear’s back now facing the wall as the purple yearling dances away from striking claws. Enki does not hesitate as adrenaline fills his veins and sharpens his thinking.

The unknown boy strikes out with black feline like claws, opening bloody wounds across the grizzly’s face and it roars once more. Enki races up to them and is suddenly in the creature’s space, teeth flash as he strikes out at the underside of the grizzly’s throat, grabbing the fat and flesh and tears them open. A paw swings at him and the boy is forced to dance away to avoid injury. He comes to a stop near the stranger, glancing over at the other boy as he attempts to read their plan of attack.

The grizzly interrupts them, slamming a paw into the pale pink wolf’s right shoulder and sends him sprawling. Blue eyes blink slowly as he stares up at the sky from where he is laying, allowing the pain to filter into his mind as he wonders where he had gone wrong. Even with his shoulder sore and claw wounds bleeding, the boy tries to get back on his paws to help the stranger he had come here to help.

WC: 598
Total WC: 1307 / 1500

"Enki Klein"

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