
The Devil Comes A Callin'

Isa Fighting Seaonal



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
08-29-2023, 09:18 PM

Now that she was Warlady of the pack, Isa thought it would be a good idea to learn more of her surroundings. It couldn't hurt and she wanted to be as helpful as she could to both Sirius and the Armada. It really was her pack now. Not that it hadn't been before, but knowing that Sirius saw her in equal standing made things much more concrete. And so Isa left Armada lands and made her way towards The Wall. Or at least where she was told that a wall would be.

Before the woman even reached the supposed wall, she heard a commotion up ahead. Snarls and growls mixed with yelps. Canine yelps. Wasting no time, the blue fae tore across the chilly landscape, making a beeline for the sounds. Upon arrival, blue eyes took in the scene of two wolves, young wolves, going up against a giant bear. The mothering instinct ramped into high gear and, before she knew it, Isa was running head first into the fray.

Taking the lessons that she'd learned from Sirius, the small woman ducked beneath the bears blocky skull while its attention was on the boys. She may have been small, but she was mighty. Teeth ripped into the underside of the bears jaw. She'd been aiming for the throat, but the ursine had moved at the last minute. The jaw would have to do.

With her teeth latched into the sensitive chin and lip flesh, the bear's attention was all on Isa now. It shook its head, but that only brought more pain to the bear. It began to back away, dragging the blue fae through the open land nearest the wall. She dug her claws in, shaking her head back and forth to bring even more pain. Isa didn't want to kill the bear, not that she could if she tried, but she wanted it to remember.

Once the bear had pulled her far enough from the boys, Isa released her hold on its chin, jumping back as far as she could before turning tail and running. The bear was of the same mind, also turning and running as fast as it could in the opposite direction. Hey, she wasn't so proud that she refused to run. It was the smart choice for both of them.

WC- 386 (Met)
