
Mornings With Decisions [Demonio]


03-09-2013, 03:14 AM

Desdemona did not wish to dwell on the time she had spent apart from her lover. She did not fully understand why their bond drove so deep when they had only met a mere month ago, but he was a part of her. The blood that fueled her body and gave it strength to propel onward, her heart whose beat matched his own and drove her to return to him. He was so deeply rooted within her mind and her heart that she had been sorely tempted to request Demonio's company in the small pack that had left, but obedience to an alpha was one piece of her that could never be changed. It was drilled so tightly into her brain that at his command she had done little more than bow her head and hide her disappointment, it was when they were alone, for a brief few minutes that she had expressed how disappointed she was.

Without Demonio, she was missing everything remotely good about her. She did not smile, she did not laugh. She felt little to no emotion, mainly a thirst for the kill during the hunt and little else. Her oculars had remained cold stones of onyx and ruby and her posture and countenance had been an unreadable mask. She had spoken only when she had too or when asked a question directly and ninety percent of the time, her thoughts had strayed and returned to her lover. She shook the memories from her head, they no longer mattered. She was here, he was here and she was complete once more.

He curled into her, burying his nose into the nape of her neck and a rumbling contented noise pulled from her vocals as she let her eyes flutter close. She would never leave his side if the world would allow it. Her words escaped her in a breathy, breathless tone and his audits swiveled catching every rise and fall and too quickly he answered her and she returned his smile. His own words of beauty and love falling from his maw and her swiveling audits caught each and every one. His tongue upon her throat was the last touch she would receive before he rose, standing to his full height. She watched him, her body relaxed, languid and stretched out.

She watched with a hungry gaze as muscles rippled and stretched beneath that coat of thick fur. She was mesmerized by his movements and she swallowed hard against the beauty that presented itself too her. He approached her, drowning her in sweet kisses and a hum of contentment rumbled up through her chest, as she returned the caresses.

"My love, the sky remains blacker than ink, where do you intend to go so late?" She wanted him to curl up against her and never leave, to feel his heartbeat against her own, to feel his body, his breath, his tongue. Leaving sounded like a dreadful idea when compared to the promises that lingered in the air here. "Demonio. This time away from you... I don't want to be apart from you ever. I wish to speak with Kaien in the morning, forfeit my den so we might share yours. I am tired of sleeping without you." She would give him a choice, a chance to decline her, but she had given him her thoughts, she need only wait for his own.
