
Tending The Wounded



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 02:05 AM

Rayne came up to her side, gazing out toward the sounds of battle, before the grey and sky gaze turned to Erani?s own. The softly voiced question met Erani?s ears, and she turned her head a fraction to gaze into the mismatched eyes. ?Remember your training, both fighting and healing, and follow your instincts. Fight off any enemies that attempt to follow the wounded back. And make the wounded comfortable. Obsidian is nearby. She intends to fight, but will guard us until she heads out. They won?t expect a horse, unless your attacker is among them?? She sensed the anxiety in her fellow Theta, and reached her head over to nose Rayne?s shoulder, issuing a gentle rumble to calm her.

?Peace, Rayne. You?ll need to seem calm and relaxed, to keep wolves calm and focused.? She rose to her paws, as three strangers approached. Legs fell into a balanced square, head lowering and chin tucking, eyes piercing the three. All three female, one huge, and one red, while the third was Albino. She analyzed their scents, then relaxed marginally, as the red lady hailed them. ?You are welcome, Ladies of Tortuga. Any help we can get is welcome. Relatives of Friction are you?? The question was a relaxed step toward conversation, broken by the first wolf to arrive from the battle. A black female that didn?t carry Valhalla?s scent, but that of a rogue. Her leg was obviously broken. Erani dipped her head and passed the three Tortugans to go to the female. ?Lean on me, if you will. My den is just ahead. Let?s get you into an Alcove. Rayne, could you pull out the Valerian, please? And please, show Lady Viridiana and her sisters to the herb stockpile.?

Her voice was low velvet, smooth and soft, soothing to the ears. Gently, she began a step forward, slowly, allowing the injured female to keep pace with her. ?So what is your name, miss?? She inquired softly to the female, keeping a line of conversation going, both to keep the female focused, and hold the shock at bay.