
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!


08-30-2023, 08:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2023, 06:24 AM by MalBelle. Edited 11 times in total.)
OOC Name: MalBelle

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Umeshu
Gender: male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
A patchwork of calico in white, black and orange, Ume is largely comprised of koi markings, sporting a pelt that would not be remiss gliding along the surface of a fish pond. However, Mojito’s snow-white pelt interjects abruptly from one side of his face to the curve of his hind quarters, appearing as though each father is warring for space across their son’s fur. His right ear flops over in a collie-like fashion, further emphasising this idea that two differing ideals came together to fuse messily into one boy. Finally, his eyes are a stark yellow that stand out sharply from the rest of his face, unnerving in their brightness. Truly, Ume is a master of the thousand-yard-stare.

Size: Large (38")
Build: Medium
morbid - has a fascination with all things strange, grotesque and macabre. Ume likes to sniff out the odd and taboo - and then experiment and pull it apart, find out how it works and where it keeps it’s brain (if it has one.) This will likely unnerve those around him, but his lack of knowledge in social cues will not permit him to disguise this shameless interest.
quiet - often embroiled in some disturbing new topic or lost in his own internal world, Ume is not much of a talker - and if he does speak, it’s likely he’ll only say more than ten words around his family members. That being said, if you catch him in the midst of a new subject of interest (ie. that crocodile skull he found, or that dead bird by the shoreline), then he might be unable to stop himself from rambling on in an excited jumble.
soft-spoken - his voice is naturally soft in nature, and even in a crowd he won’t strain to be heard. This is less because he believes himself unworthy of being listened to, and rather because he simply doesn’t care if others can understand him. Much of the time when he talks, it’s largely for his own benefit, anyway.
introspective - Ume’s world is very much an internal one, so when he doesn’t understand something or needs to consider a new line of thinking he’ll often sequester himself away to turn the topic over in his mind and pick apart it’s innards. If you’re a trusted confidant, however, he might seek your opinion on the matter - in which case he’ll give your input serious consideration.
absent-minded - because of his rich internal life and propensity to gain interest in strange things, Ume tends to be easily-distracted; describing him as ‘off with the fairies’ would not be inaccurate. As such it is common to find him staring blankly off into the distance, or else murmuring cryptically to himself under his breath.
family-oriented - despite these seemingly sinister traits, Ume is not of a cruel or evil nature - in fact, he doesn’t wish harm upon anyone, and has an interest in healing that will extend particularly to his family. He has no interest in violence and is happy to let his siblings do all the tough-talking, content to stand by the sidelines waiting to patch them up. Family is the one thing that can break through Ume’s absent-mindedness and bring him back down to earth, and simply being in the presence of his siblings will often be enough to put him in a good mood. Ultimately, he just wants to experiment with brains and hang out with his family members.
Skills: Healing & Intellect
Plans: to be that weird cousin you try to avoid at parties & and the family medic. Patches his siblings up after they get into scrapes

RP Sample: happy to provide if you need one!