
Sing My Heart A Lullaby



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-30-2013, 03:14 AM

After a few minutes of trying to soothe her cracked and burning front paw pads, Avalon wanted to try and clean off her hind pads, but her body ached too much to make the attempt. She was exhausted, hungry, and feeling empty. She wanted to be thr vibrant young girl she used to be before she got stolen to Amenti, but she felt that her innocence was lost and that there was no turning back. She sighed heavily as she placed her head on the ground, forepaws on either side of her head as watery eyes gazed at the fallen leaves ahead of her. Everything here seemed so She wished she could stay here, but she wasn't sure if she could stay for long. After all, someone would surely find her and either chase her away or send her back to Amenti. In fact, she didn't even know she was in Ludicael pack lands. She had never been this far before in her life, and she never got the chance to learn the other pack scents.

Her eyes drifted closed, and she wanted to badly to fall asleep...but she knew she couldn't just not. Not in the open for fear of potential pursuers. She wished there was a place to hide from them, her life was torturous there and she never wanted to go back...not as a slave anyway. Though she did want to go back for Kestrel, to free her before something awful happened. As her ming twisted into those thoughts about her Snow rogue cousin, a voice would break through into her ears and she would then whip her head up, eyes showing complete fear as she struggled to stand. Though amber eyes fell upon a male wolf, standing far from her and appearing afraid as well. She felt guarded, though at the same time she too felt confused...her heart pounded at the possibility that he might turn on her and attack her, and she in no condition to fight. With a slow nod, she would answer. "Y-yes..." That was all the poor girl was able to murmur for fear of giving too much information like she had to Canttina. She hoped though, that she could trust him...after all, he looked just as afraid of her as she felt towards him. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong...right?


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