


10-30-2013, 06:08 AM

Journeying this far while so close to her due date, had been reckless, but she was out of options. She needed an herb, an herb that she had once seen in the Valhallan lands when she tended to their injured warrior, Ashtoreth. She needed it, because she couldn?t bear with the idea of losing this litter. She had scoured the northern realm, searching for another growing of this herb, desperate not to make this journey with tensions running so high, but alas, she had found herself traveling. The day was cloudy, the sky dank and dark, not exactly the ideal weather for her travels, but she knew she was running out of time. She had slipped from the territory at early dawn, and trekked restlessly towards the southern portion of the land, her back aching with every pawstep, her tortured body crying out in agony.

All this she did to better the chance at life, the life that she held in her womb. The life that so desperately deserved a chance. She prayed, the healer in Valhalla, wouldn?t turn her plea away for the herb, prayed that whomever it was parent, so perhaps they could understand the dire situation she found herself in. A mother would do anything to protect her children, even if it seemed suicidal. At the edge of the border, she came to a halt, her expression clouded with pain and worry, as she stared off into the distance, of the lands that marked Valhalla. It was time to call, before she was discovered on the edge of the land with the scent of Glaciem.

A sudden pain hit her, and she fell forward, her forelegs buckling under her, and a cry escaped her. No. This couldn?t be happening, not here, not so far from home. The pain brought tears to her eyes, God, it hurt, like she was being ripped apart, as if the life inside her was ripping its own way out. Gasping, she lowered her body to the ground, scrabbling for shelter in a near a rock, as the thunder rolled in the distance. Tossing her head up, she let out a pained cry, a summons for the healer of Valhalla, and laid there her body shaking in agony, praying the healer would arrive quickly. She prayed this other wolf wouldn?t be blinded by where she came from, and would see, that she was clearly in need. Lightning flashed across the darkening sky, and she stared up at it fearfully. It was as if nature itself was warring against her, and the birth of her children. Another rumble of thunder, paired with a flash of lightning, and it felt like her body burst open. It was time.
