
Strange and Unusual Prey

Drag - hunt seasonal


08-31-2023, 03:27 PM
There is still uncertainty lingering on his expression, but he was not one to turn away help when it was offered. His tail is still twitching but his ears relax and his body visibly shifts into a more natural stance. He gives Cloudburst an affirmative nod as he moves over to allow the wolf to help him. "Irving. More of a trapper myself," he adds, hoping that will show the wolf that he will trust him for the time being. They had to take advantage of the nervous prey as quickly as possible. If anything spooked them, they would be out of luck.

Working silently with the old man, Irving secretly enjoys the process. He is young and a bit ignorant. Still learning the ropes and figuring out the best methods for the best scenarios. While most would have not suggested it, it was the best he could have thought of at the moment. Why not use the large boulders to help? Slowly but surely, they finish and create a makeshift pen that will allow them to herd animals into it. Iriving is proud of himself and appreciative of Cloudburst's help. If the wolf hadn't shown up, would he have been able to manage?

As they finished and Cloudburst offered that he take the lead, Irving didn't reply right away. Instead, he moved to leap onto one of the large boulders for a better look at their surroundings. Not far off, he could see a small herd of Dall Sheep. Their movements are timid and almost frantic. Hooves stomping into the ground and their young bleating restlessly. "There, those sheep. If you can herd them this way, I will help push one or two into the pen," he lifts a paw toward the herd so Cloudburst knows where to look. "I'll wait nearby while," Irving says simply and to the point as he hops down from the boulder and gives Cloudburst a cheeky smile before heading out of the pen and into the open prairie.


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1. Strange and Unusual Prey Algoma Prairie 11:12 AM, 08-31-2023 02:55 PM, 10-24-2023