
oh me, oh my, a bear




Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

1 Year
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
08-31-2023, 04:45 PM
As he does in most abandoned places, Erik feels more comfortable here. It’s like him. It’s just like him. Haunted by the ghosts of what they could have been. Haunted by the ghosts of what they once were… maybe he’s been listening to his father’s stories too carefully. Erik has become fixated on the tales, fixated on the ones who are just like him. The allfather only had one eye. Tyr sacrifices his arm to kill Fenrir. His father’s own namesake was the silent god. Erik was simply a trick of the fates. He will forever be a curse, a scourge on these lands, as all the vikings were.

But for now, he’s just a boy.

He is just a boy, wandering the northlands. Feeling the way they tug at his heart, feeling the way they try to draw him in. Draw him out. Draw him closer, on every level, to the lands of his father and his people. In his eyes, they could all be his some day. They would all be his some day, gods willing. Father spoke of fates, spoke of things beyond their control. Far beyond their control. The gods had already determined what their paths would be, it’s their job to continue on.

Fate would have the young explorer sitting atop the wall itself, peering out over the landscape. They weren’t far from the Armada, and their father seemed to be lurking nearer all the while. Not far, though the wild places called to him. The wild places that were truly, purely wild. Erik was wild too. He has always been, and would always be wild. What’s wilder still, is the way the land has been acting. A shake, a rattle, large enough to send him leaping down from the wall before he could be knocked free.

Erik isn’t the only thing beginning to flee the area. As he makes his way back, two scents on the wind catch the boy’s attention. The first? Blood. The second? Akito. Erik changes course, racing in the direction of the scent. His hackles already rising down his back, drawing to his full height as he runs. Though he’s but a boy, Erik is a large boy. Gaze falling on the bear and his brother, the cursed child launches himself into the brawl.

Plowing into the hindquarters of the bear, he’s relentless. He’s dangerous. There’s something about Erik that’s been knocked loose, seeing something that’s his in danger. Ears flattening against his skull, the boy lashes out with the zeal and fury of a berserker. Teeth sinking into the ragged bear’s hind leg. Gnashing at the hip, doing as much damage as he can as he drags downward. Erik wanted the inside of the predator’s leg, he wants to rip at the tender flesh. He’s wild.


wc: 880/1500