
can't be too prepared

tama - seasonal



Beginner Healer (0)

Novice Intellectual (25)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual
08-31-2023, 05:53 PM

Tama didn’t know it, but traveling so much was probably dangerous. Being so little, in such a big world? There were lots of things that would want to eat them. Too many things. Way too many things. Creepy crawlies, big spookies, spooky ookies… yeah, lots of things. He’s not so certain he wants to sign himself up for all of the scary things that life had to offer them right now. Still, the inherent, low-grade anxiety that came with living the way they did brought a certain dark nuance to his art. Tama is already an artist. He’s already a painter. He already creates the most beautiful works, at least in his own mind. That confidence has drawn him to making things that are as beautiful as they are haunting… just like Tama himself is.

But there are better things to dwell on. Being so close to the Armada meant that they had other children to romp and play with. They had older wolves that looked upon any children in their vicinity as if they’re their own. Tama wouldn’t know or understand how much weight his family name carried until he was much older. Sure, grammy was an empress, but the exact meaning of the word was lost on him for now. Just a vagabond kid with vagabond alternative parents, out here being rad as hell.

One of the rad as hell things about staying within the Armada’s homelands? The trading. It was a trade hub of sorts, apparently. He’d seen more artwork, sculpture, and pigments than ever before within the markets. Sculpture, pottery, jewelry, metalworking… all of it. It’s beautiful, and Tama has been utterly enchanted by it. He hardly needed an excuse to agree to go down with Delphi. As his sister came to drag him into helping, Tama perked up. “Hold on, put these in the bag to trade too.” The boy swept up what he’d been working on. Little beads made from teeth that he’d wrenched from discarded prey, hollowed out with a sharp stick. There were some made from the vertebrae of small animals too, mostly rodents and other things easily found already dead.

He helped his sister shoulder the weight of the antler, which wasn’t too heavy– bulky and awkward though. “What are we trading for, you think?” His head tipped to the side as he contemplated, thinking about things that the traders might be offering. Though it would be important to get settled and sorted out for the winter ahead, Tama was already a hoe for aesthetics. Pretty bits and baubles were typically what drew him in… maybe Delphi had more practical ideas.

WC: 752/1500

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1. can't be too prepared Dreamer's Col 10:12 AM, 08-01-2023 03:28 PM, 09-21-2023