
Strange and Unusual Prey

Drag - hunt seasonal



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-31-2023, 06:06 PM

He quietly watched his current comrade from his peripheral, The cat had relaxed enough and Cloud knew then that he was being trusted for the time being. As long as he kept himself under control, there was nothing to fear from him. And luckily, he feels as though he'll remain under control. His companion gives a name, and Cloud nods in acknowledgment as they work. When they're finally done, he watches Irving climb onto the large boulder as he scopes out their potential prey. With Cloud still on the ground, he can't quite see where the prey is, but he can smell them. He can hear them. He's a master at his hunting craft, there was nothing he hadn't been able to bring down so far. Returning his attention to Irving, he glanced in the direction that the cat pointed in. "On it," He returns the cheeky grin before motioning for his osprey to follow.

Luckily for him, his bird came in pretty handy for hunts. Especially when the terrain didn't offer him an advantage. On open ground, he had to rely more on stealth and getting in close so that he didn't have to run as much. Especially nowadays in his older age, it wasn't getting easy these days. Following the osprey's shadow and the sound of the bleating, confused sheep, he finds his mark. Circling around until he's behind them, Cloud lowers himself closer to the ground and stalks forward. Quietly. Slowly. Bit by bit. The grass around him swayed just enough to make it look like it was the breeze and not the hunter about to corral them to their demise.

He drew steadily closer. Close enough to where he could probably lunge out and run a few paces to grab one if he so chose. Focused within the grass, the male finally goes for it. He bursts from his hiding place, a snarl ripping free as he sends the Dall sheep in a panic. They bolt from their position, though one wasn't quite lucky or fast enough, and Cloud's teeth snap closed on its rear end. Screaming in pain, the sheep he had momentarily gripped rips from his jaws as it went racing after the others. He keeps tight on their heels, herding them straight for the pen that is meant for them like a border collie. All the while barking and snapping, moving back and forth at a steady pace to keep them going. One or two manage to get away, but the remainder are headed straight for potential death.


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1. Strange and Unusual Prey Algoma Prairie 11:12 AM, 08-31-2023 02:55 PM, 10-24-2023