
oh me, oh my, a bear




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-31-2023, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2023, 06:07 PM by Akito. Edited 1 time in total.)

Long claws rake the rocky ground beneath the bear as it tumbles toward Akito. His eyes open wide as he watches it. Still in place, he stands his ground. Toes splaying apart as his hackles rise and muscles tense. Birds continue to scatter into the air as the bear is feet in front of him. He can see the spittle and foam flying from the bear's flopping lips. Its own muscles and thick skin are rippling as it towers back onto its hind legs. Though he is a pup, he is tall and doesn't have far to look up. Stepping backward, he is agile and dodges the first swiping paw aimed toward his face. A growl emanates from his throat as he pins his ears and keeps the bear at a distance for now.

The distance he keeps is because he can hear his brother. There is no use in scenting the wild boy because the thunder of paws and feral noises echoing from Erik are obvious. Akito is similar but also unlike his brother. While Erik is ferocious and reckless, Akito is careful and concise. Every move of Akito's is calculated, precise, and intentional. But he admires his brother's drive. The drive to protect, to tear, to kill. Unfortunately for the bear, it no longer had a chance to see tomorrow.

Akito hops back once more into the crinkle of dried leaves as Erik barrels into the bear's hind leg. A screaming and gurgling roar leaves the bear as it lifts its arms and tits its head back. Blood streams from its lips as it swivels to try and swing at Erik. It is then that Akito takes his opportunity. Propelling forward with a force unimaginable for a pup his age, he launches into the air and grabs onto the bear's arm. Nearly missing his brother's shoulders, Akito is able to distract and move it out of the way. His teeth sink into the skin and blood fills his mouth. Shutting his eyes to prevent loss of his sight, he begins to shake his body to try and rip at the tendons. The bear is further enraged. Every animal in the vicinity has now escaped and continues to run so they don't have to watch the bloody battle that took place near the wall.

Kicking up with his hind paws to dig into the bear's armpit, he doesn't let go. No matter how many times those monstrous paws bash against his ribs, he hangs on. Twisting and turning until his teeth are nearly all the way through. Slowly but surely, the bear is beginning to lose its energy. Its teeth snap in his ear, but he knows his brother is doing all he can to take the bear down. Even his own ravens are dive-bombing from above to try and peck out the bear's eyes. It would only be moments now until the bear would be finished.

wc: 1369/1500

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.