
Tending The Wounded


10-30-2013, 10:15 AM

She listened to the wise, gentle words of the older Healer. Obsidian. She had grown fond of the giant horse since the day she had helped save her life. The mentioning of her attack made her heart skip a beat. Could he be here? The last time she had seen him, he had refrained from trying to kill her, claiming he didn't want to anymore. Something she didn't understand. She could hope that he wouldn't bee here today and change his mind. She felt the comforting touch of her woman's nose pressed against her shoulder, and gaze her own nuzzle in return.

Audits twitched, sensing the approach of others. Her defenses slid into place, crown dropping to cover her throat, legs spreading out equally and bending at the knee. Nostrils quivered, taking in their scent. Three woman who she had never seen came into view. She relaxed along with Erani, greeting them with a quiet nod, allowing Erani to speak. Before anymore could be said, a injured wolf stumbled into view, her leg broken and wounds littering her body.

Erani jumped into action, giving orders. "This way ladies." She turned picked up an lope towards the den. They weren't far so it didn't take long to find the alcove. Slipping inside, she headed towards the herb stack. "All the herbs are found here. We've combined all of our stacks, you are welcome to anything. Soleil will be also in her, she's a small white woman, she will be helping care for the wounded." She offered a sad smile to woman before picking up valerian. She turned to and moved back out of the den, finding her way back to Erani.

She carried the valerian carefully, coming to view of the two wolves. Quickly she brought over the herb, placing it at her feet, eyes traveled over the woman. Her wounds continued to seep blood, shock was beginning to set in. She kept herself calm, placing a serene mask upon her face. "The ladies are in the alcove, heres the valerian. I'm going to check for anymore wounded down on the field." She let her words flow softly, she would not discuss it, if this wolf was so badly wounded, she could image how everyone else looked. "I'll be back soon." She placed a gentle lick on the woman's shoulder before breaking into a run and heading off to the battle field.

-exit Rayne-

"speech" thought