
From hunted to hunter

Shelby Hunt seasonal



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-31-2023, 07:08 PM

It was odd having a weight on her back, and it left her feeling self conscious as she walked. She ensured Lioness was in front of her every step. The cat was clever enough to take a path that was not only easy for the wolf to traverse, but ensured her passenger wasn’t smacked by overhanging branches on the way. Honestly, she would probably never leave the cave in daylight if it wasn’t for her constant companion.

She winced and Wynter wiggled on her back. She was only a small pup, but she felt every bony elbow and thin little paw digging into her. “Alright then, pigs it is” She agreed. Knowing she would be doing most of the work. Pigs could be nasty creatures, but Wynter should be safe enough up there on her back, right?

“That’s exactly right. That way, we can scent our prey easily, and they can’t scent us” She added. She wasn’t sure if she was just repeating information the pup already knew, or what. She realised she didn’t really know how to treat Wynter. She was so accustomed to her and her litter being the youngest. To being someone people didn’t ask for help, or lessons from. But Wynter almost seemed to look up her. It was such a strange novelty. Perhaps that's why she kept on with Wynter. Not just her stubborn pride. She followed Wynters direction into the wind, both because she was right, and so that Wynter could see she was right. This whole thing was… growing on her. Grumpy, difficult girl that she was. Maybe it would be okay to have kids around, kids like Wynter, anyway.

“Yup, that’s the pig alright. They’re still here” She agreed as they got closer. “Now, crouch down, and be as quiet as you can, alright?” She stage-whispered to Wynter. As she spoke, her own steps slowled a little. She crouched, careful not to unbalance her burden as she did so. Not being able to see made hunting extremely difficult, but she managed. She had learned to manage, under Azure’s tender lessons. Her and Lioness were a flawless team, the cat saw everything, and she tapped the wolf's leg with a tail. Different beats and pressure told a tale with each motion. She needed to go through the woods on the right, there was a solo pig they could split from the group. Pigs at least weren't a protective lot. So long as she didn’t anger the rest, they’d let her have the runt. “Ready?” She whispered as she moved through the woods, and was ready to launch. Here was the trickiest part. Racing at the pig and not tripping, and grabbing it before it could flee. Here went nothing.

She launched herself forward, tearing through the undergrowth as she launched herself at the source of the scent. A squeal only helped direct her, as did the beating of runty pig paws. Then she felt warm beneath her paws. She felt it kick, and it hit her on the chest. She kept moving, using its motions to help guide her. She landed on the pig, and pulled it down to the earth. She dug her teeth into the back of its neck, and then lifted it off the ground. “Get it Wynter!” She said through a mouthful of pig as she held it up to Wynters reach while it kicked and screamed.

WC: 582


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1. From hunted to hunter Mile-High Woods 05:56 PM, 07-20-2023 03:05 PM, 03-31-2024