



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 10:30 AM

The storm that brewed above the snow painted Theta matched the anger that roiled in her heart. Her brother was gone. Taken by Glaciem in the battle on the Borders. Deep blues touched upon whirling leaves, but didn?t see them. Swirling colors of Autumn flashed about her, vivid in the evening light. Thunder rolled like a herd of elk in full stampede through the sky, and lightning flashed above, the crackle of energy intermingling with a pained, desperate cry.

How could a healer ignore that noise? Her paws drove into mulch and took her at a lope toward the cry. It had sounded feminine, and there had been a note there that told of new life. So she came. And when she came upon the female who lay upon the borders of Valhalla, she stopped, staring at the Glaciem healer. The anger whispered through her veins like ice, then flowed away as she took in the trembles wracking the small form. If this female had been bred by Isardis, who she had glimpsed at the Field, this birth was going to be horrible, and it was time. ?Your king should rot in Death?s arms for putting you through this. These pups will be huge??

A sigh hissed from her maw, before she looked about, remembering a den on the edge here that was used as a pausing point for Patrols. It had been abandoned after the Flood. Ah, there it was. ?Look there, at that dip. That is a den that was abandoned after a flood. Get yourself in there. I need to get the plants needed for this.? She turned and began padding away, but stopped, and gazed over her shoulder. ?Your pack has a great deal to answer for. We did nothing to warrant what they have done to us. And if my brother is harmed while he is a prisoner there, they will have me to answer to.? With a flick of her tail, she disappeared into the shadows.

She slipped through the territory and found her den, gathering the birthing plants needed for a difficult birth, before she turned and bounded back through the storm to the female, offering a shoulder for her to lean on if she needed it, and helping her toward the den if she hadn?t already reached it. ?I shouldn?t be helping you.?