

Dread Intellect Seasonal


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-01-2023, 05:46 AM
Something bad is on the horizon and it causes all of Haydée’s fur to stand on end. Yet, it is intangible, a mere feeling of something nefarious happening behind some thick curtain tickles her as she stares out at glimmer of the water that is so far away. It should be high tide and the water should be lapping at her toes, yet the sand is dry as a bone and that means that something is wrong. Exactly what that something is, the young Leader cannot say but, it feels as if there is a dark cloud hanging over the whole world, waiting to unleash some terrible calamity upon its face.

A soft woof pulls her attention from where the water has fled to and over to where the tall, dark form of Dread is approaching. Her brows have been knit together with worry and she has been chewing the inside of her without realizing it but, as she spies him, a smile slowly blooms across her pale lips. It is gentle and friendly and her tail gives a slow wag as he questions what she thinks. The smile’s progress is halted and it falters before giving way to a grave expression.

Haydée feels so unprepared for anything that has been happening lately, from the loss of her father to taking over Ethne, but this… this is something that even she cannot control. Emerald eyes turn back out to where the water line is only a faint glow on the horizon and that sense of something looming over her builds once more. Her mouth suddenly goes dry and the girl is forced to swallow down the fear that tastes like bitter bile in the back of her throat. Softly, she whispers, “I don’t know. But I’m scared, Dread.”

Green gaze snaps up to his face as she realizes she has just admitted a weakness to the boy and she rushes to quickly explain, “Ethne lands are not that far from the coast line. If the water comes back and floods the shore… we could be in trouble. I should warn the pack.” A million things fill her mind and Hay’s eyes become unfocused as she tries to order thoughts as they come. Her gaze slowly drifts back out over to the horizon, trying and failing to understand why this is happening. If Ethne is forced to flee their lands, the girl has no idea where they will go.

Worry knots her stomach, making her feel lighted headed and nauseous all at the same time. A pause stretches thin between the pair as Haydée tries to comprehend the far-reaching consequences this could have for her pack. Suddenly, the girl’s voice breaks the silence as she asks, “Do you think the statues are coming back?” There had been unnatural occurrences before the arrive of those strange beings and their appearance was only make more ominous by their sudden and unceremonious departure. Hay darts a glance at the boy, attempting to gauge his thoughts by simply reading his facial features.

A sigh rolls out onto the night air as her features pinch together, the telltale deep throb of a headache blossoming behind her eyes. “Why do you think this is happening Dread? Is anything weird happening near your home?” Bellamy had told her that the Armada’s lands lay in the far reaches of the North so it may be possible that they are safe from whatever is happening with the water. The girl silently makes plans to be sure that the pack is ready to move if something happens while she listens to what Dread has to say.

"Haydée Kedieo"

WC: 603
Total WC: 1531 / 1500

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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