
To Train Or Not To Train...




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-01-2023, 08:35 AM
His expression shifted. It was unreadable but Rivin could only assume that he had noticed the injury on her neck. Rivin shifted. Calico had been worried. Lark had been worried. She sighed, her guarded posture falling. She was sick of this. Would it even matter in the long run anyway? The Raid King would speak and her ears swiveled back toward him. Her gaze flicked up and met his own. Though she struggled with her emotions and the odd state of her mind, having the angst of a teenager, there was still discipline within her and enough respect for the man to listen to him.

Meeting with the younger wolves. Rivin frowns at this and wonders if he has already met with Diablo… but she doesn't speak yet. The question catches her off guard. Her gaze deviates and Rivin's tail lashes back and forth.

"I… don't know." An honest answer fell from her lips as her voice grew quiet. "I enjoy fighting but I've also been trying to bring plants from Fern Gulley here in an attempt to transplant them. It would be better to have them close in case someone gets hurt." Rivin shook her head. "Doubt dad would be cool if I started practicing medicine more anyway. He made it pretty clear he isn't happy with the progress of me or my sibling during the first raid. The fact I won one of my fights wasn't even acknowledged. Not even sure if he'll care I nearly drowned after trying to return from a fight on Black Island either. Probably just criticize me for not being strong enough or using my full potential again."

Rivin gave Gil context. She didn't think it would change anything but it did make it clear why she wasn't sure what she wanted.

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. To Train Or Not To Train... Dove Island Archipelago 09:38 AM, 08-31-2023 06:18 AM, 11-05-2023