
Patrolling Past



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-01-2023, 03:19 PM

The chill of winter is unmistakable in the wind that ruffles the earthen woman’s coat causing a shiver to race along her spine. Even in the sun, the promise of the cold that is to come can be felt. Athena keeps her amber gaze on the area around her, searching for the predator she had scented within Valta’s borders. The predators have been acting strange, crossing established pack boundaries with little care. Not only that, but prey animals have become scarcer as well.

But there is something more going on.

More than once, Athena has seen the wild eyes of the predators as they run, beating a hasty retreat from some threat she cannot see. Pausing in her search, the woman blows a sigh out onto the air before inhaling deeply the scents around her. Underneath the heavy aromas of the wolves that make up the pack, is the musk of a grizzly already too far into their home. Amber eyes turn to the trees that butt up against the falls and she hastily delves into the thicket.

It doesn’t take her long to find the lumbering beast, the bear uncaringly trekking though Valta lands as it searches of prey. Lips peel back to reveal teeth as the woman releases a short, low call for help before rushing in to attack. The grizzly is unfazed by Athena, choosing to ignore her presence as it tries to travel further into the pack’s lands. A snarl is ripped from her throat as she charges, getting in front of the creature so she can use her body to block its progress.

Teeth flash as she strikes forward, snapping and snarling as she forces the grizzly to stop and even back up. It roars its outrage at her and strikes out, missing the wolf by a mile. The two face off as Athena hopes that help will arrive soon.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.

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