
Patrolling Past


09-01-2023, 03:49 PM
There didn't appear to be anything really of interest that kept Khranbari near the water's rocken edge. Only scent dwelling amongst the borders being that of other predatory passings. Something he paid not much heed to. He knew there would always be those that tested the boundaries. Some even crossing over to see what fate awaited them. A decision most did not live long enough to tell the foresights of their hypothesis. Bari felt a need to move further inward. The edge of their territory was one part to be patrolled. However, so did the inlands of their home. Many found loopholes to intrude on what did not belong to them. He'd learned this from back home. Having to had dealt with several different creatures due to his father's intense training.

As he trekked deeper into Valta, a sound pressed his ears forward. Rounding to the direction where he heard the call of help. A brow rising in surprise. Realizing this would be the first of meeting another of his new pack, he took off in a run. Legs pumping with adrenaline as claws dug up patches of soils beneath his steps. The closer he got the more he could make out two silhouettes. One of a medium sized wolf and the other a large grizzly. Khran hesitated none as he let a snarl rip from his jaws. Taking note of their position, he came from behind to stop a safe distance from the bears swipes. Luckily the small female had done the same. Neither wanting to be injured; but, knowing they had no choice if they were to rid of this threat.

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1. Patrolling Past Sunset Falls 11:07 AM, 08-26-2023 12:39 AM, 07-03-2024