


10-30-2013, 11:29 AM

The agony that she was experiencing was ironically weak in comparison to the agony, that she experienced of her heart as of late. Still, her body, felt as if it was being torn, ripped to shreds. Her call was answered quickly, and her eyes fell on a snowy white dame, her words were cold, but Eris had expected as much. She was right, Isardis was huge in comparison, she'd be lucky if this labor didn't kill her. Assuming she lived through this, she'd have the ivory dame before her to thank. She indicated a dip, where a den could be found, and Eris nodded exhaustedly. The white woman began to leave, needing to get the herbs need, before she turned, words coming to Eris's ears that prickled sadness in her heart. 'Your pack has a great deal to answer for. We did nothing to warrant what they have done to us. And if my brother is harmed while he is a prisoner there, they will have me to answer to.'

Her brother was one of the new prisoners? The ranking of the prisoners didn't matter to her. She treated each of them with the respect that any wolf deserved. As she stood, to move towards the den, she opened her jaws to answer her, but a wave of pain silenced her words. She'd have to state her opinion later, she didn't agree to her kings demands. If she knew that she could leave in good conscious, she would. The politics didn't matter to her. As she stumbled, the white dame returned, offering her shoulder, and Eris found herself lightly leaning into her, not wanting to burden her with her weight. 'I shouldn't be helping you.' She said, and between gasps, she managed words, as the moved towards the den. "Then... why are you?" She asked, her tone soft.

If this woman thought her in completely in league with her kings agenda, she would be wrong. She was in Glaciem because not all the wolves were to be held a fault, they needed a healer. They needed someone who didn't care about power to tend to them, to help the other mothers deliver their pups. A gasp left her jaws, as another contraction wracked her body, ripping through her as her pups struggled to make their way into the world. They had made it to the den, though it lacked the homey feel of her own den, she was grateful for it. Moving forward, she sank to the ground, her golden eyes coming to rest on the healer who had helped her.

"I can't defend what my king's done but if it's any consolation, I don't agree with it. I'd never agree with what he's done." A hissing squeal of pain left her jaws at the end of her sentence. Her heart beat furiously, tears dampening her face. God, it felt as if she was dying. Would this other healer understand that she couldn't just leave? That she was a healer, she was needed, she had to stay. Could she understand that? Was this punishment for not agreeing with the pack she had pledged her loyalty too?
