
Final Sale



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
09-02-2023, 08:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2023, 08:51 PM by Chesna. Edited 1 time in total.)
Air felt lighter than in the realms of Russia.

Back in the heavy layers of weakened conditions, there was no such thing as what she smelled here. The stench of urine and shit piled up for days in a corner did not taint the space with its foul odor. Fragile women clinging onto to life due to no longer being of use could not be seen here. And for just the slightest bit Chesna felt a spark of joy tickle in her belly. She could actually breathe. Allowing her nostrils to inhale and fill the emptiness of her lungs from lack of oxygen. It annoyed her some for the fact she could not open her mouth to relieve the dryness of her throat. The merchant holding her chains did not allow this. He couldn't care in the slightest either.

Chesna tried to at least wet her dry lips with her tongue. Only to be restricted by the leather belt around her muzzle. Eyes casted down with the smallest of trust given to the extremely large built male as they ventured further along the foreign lands. From what she could see, the pastures here were filled with flourishing flowers. Some wilting away due to the chill winds of autumn. Whilst others remained for the time being. Much like her life, she knew there wasn't much time before they too would disappear. Jaromil made it quite clear that if she weren't to be sold the merchant could leave Chesna to bleed out. Despite her beauty, the biggest feature being her heterochromia eyes, they needed not anything else with her. So many packs visited in time. Each not having what was needed to take ownership. Armor and weapons. Not food or anything simple as that. They asked for things that would take days, if not weeks, to craft. All for Chesna's price.

The merchant tugged at her chains. Not realizing she'd stop and looked up from their downcast. A huge mistake on her part as she felt a stinging pain race through her cheek. He could not do much damaged or else she would not sell. But, it did not stop him from slapping the slave whenever she disobeyed or dared to look up. "Poznajte svoje miesto. Alebo potrebujete pripomienku?" (Translation: Know your place. Or, do you need a reminder?) Her ears pinned tightly against her skull. Tail tucking against the curve of her belly. She felt herself fall to the ground. Nudging at his paws in apology. She wished not to be punished again. The last time she had almost passed out from the lashings. It took her months to heal properly and a few more weeks just to allow her fur to grow over the markings. Help from their healer made it look as if she'd never been touched. "Hovor, otrok!" (Translation: Speak, slave!)

Tears littered the corners of her eyes. Wanting badly to tell him that she could not do much due to her restriction. At most, her words fell free in a low whisper. If she chose to speak any louder she knew what was to follow shortly after. ~"Ospravedlňujem sa, pane." (Translation: Mm apologies, Sir.) She did not have to look up to feel the look of distain on his face. He said nothing more as he harshly pulled her to a stand. Their walk continuing for a short while until coming to an abrupt stop. "Sme tu. Nesmiete povedať nič, pokiaľ sa s vami nehovorí. Nehýbte sa a zaujmite svoj postoj. Inak."(Translation: We are here. You are to say nothing unless spoken to. Do not move and take your stance. Or else.) Chesna could smell the markings. They had reached another pack's borders. Another wolf who would turn her away due to either not wanting her or not having the fee to purchase her. Either way, she took her stance.

Legs parted to shoulder lengths. Her tail raised to point towards the dip of her spine. Neck stretched while head lifted to expose all of whom she was to anyone that chose to take a look. Eyes forever glued to the earthen floor beneath. The chains around her neck and ankles shuffling in a melodic sound as she moved. The leather strap around her muzzle tightened by the merchant in reminder of what would happen if she chose to not follow his orders. It took everything not to flench when ears captured his deep bark of calling.

The auctioning had begun.

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1. Final Sale Wolfpaw Lake 08:17 PM, 09-02-2023 03:34 AM, 02-13-2024