
Beast And Meat



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-03-2023, 09:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2023, 09:44 AM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)
While he drank his fill the brown female paid no mind to his sloppier demeanor. He was a mountain man through and through, she thought. Her yellow gaze studied his reflection in the water, rippling with the disturbance from his tongue. As he finished, his yawning felt contagious and it caused her maw to part briefly as well before she stifled it. The ache of their labor was shared, her her limbs protested any movement and her mind felt fuzzy now that she was completely satisfied in food and water.

It had taken him a moment to respond to her query. ”Khranbari..” she echoed in her mind. He didn’t look like a cranberry. His fur was grey and silver, and his eyes were a molten gold. She too thought of the bitter taste but he wasn’t really bitter either from what she had collected, only quiet and reserved. She turned her head away from him, looking out at the cold mountains that loomed over them on either side. A small red bird flitted by and she could hear it calling out, not in alarm, but perhaps in search of another of its kind.

More questions felt like they were bubbling up from her stomach. Varushka looked back at him again, eyes intent she asked, ”Is this your home, Khranbari?” His name felt right on her tongue. Varu figured she had nothing to lose in asking him. While he seemed to enjoy the quiet she hoped he would share with her. The she wolf wanted to know more from him, it had been so long since she last had company. Varu felt that she was lost in this place.. all alone.

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024