
Final Sale



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
09-03-2023, 05:07 PM


Chesna felt her muscles straining. The stance she possessed tugging at every ligament of her body, and it took everything not to ask the merchant if she could please sit. It was against her better judgement to remain silent. To deal with the aches. To keep her mind off of it, she chose to count the single blades of grass. One... two... three... Time passing by as they waited for someone to address their presence at the borders. Seventeen... Eighteen... Nineteen... What a frivolous thing to go about finding a weird thing such as what she was doing. It wasn't as if she could look around at the scenery. A bird flew by and she couldn't even dare to watch it flutter by. All and all, the slave stood in her position and continued the activity.

"My name is Karil. I am a traveling merchant from Russia who is looking to sale this Slave." Her head nearly snapped upwards at the tone of his voice. The heavy accent snapping her out of the little game she created. Karil... She hadn't know his name until now. And, why should she? He was there to sale her off and take the remission back to Jaromil. Leaving absolutely no reason for her to acknowledge a fact.

Karil tugged at the her chains. Pulling Chesna closer for a better view. He prayed to the Gods that this one would buy the little bitch so he could be rid of her. His wife and kids were awaiting his return. This payment alone would hold them over through the coming winters. Armor and weaponry for food and hide for his home. Glancing over at the Slave with distaste, the merchant sneered a single command to her. "Come." Her paws moved from standing behind him to now standing beside him. Chesna's small frame still in its aching position.

Head high. Eyes down. Tail arched. Legs spread shoulder length.

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1. Final Sale Wolfpaw Lake 08:17 PM, 09-02-2023 03:34 AM, 02-13-2024