
Beast And Meat


09-05-2023, 08:36 AM

The sun's heat rested solely on his back now. Festering the urge to find shade and be swept away into a blissful sleep for the continuing journey ahead. He yawned once more. Body shifting in just the slightest to lick at a spot. An itch coming to play just on the left of his side. Using his teeth to rid of the annoying sensation moments after she spoke her answer. So, they were both alone. Him by choice. But was she? Khran could feel that curiosity pestering him to ask. Choosing best to remain quiet with a nod of his head. "I am alone by choice..." He said nothing more and nothing less. What would she think had she found out that he murdered his parents? Actually, why would he even care what she thought?

He stood from his sitting position and stretched out the length of his body. Shaking off anything that may have found its way into his fur. He was tired. From both eating and talking. He'd done too much of both and wanted nothing more but to slumber. His paws moving him off towards a nearby shadowed spot. The looming trees above making for a perfect hide away to conceal him from sight for the time being. Liquid golds looked over his shoulder. A question there lingering just within the depths of those melted pools. Would you join me?

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024