
Re-adopting 2 Twig/Corvus kids!



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
09-05-2023, 11:46 AM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2023, 11:52 AM by Corvus. Edited 3 times in total.)
Hi all, unfortunately 2 of the Twig/Corvus kiddos (Canary & Skylark) are being readopted out as they haven't been posted in 4 months since they were accepted. :( Please try to not use those names, but anything along the lines of nature/bird themed names is fine! Not looking for crazy activity with these, just want to see them posted occasionally. They are all in Avalon right now and enjoying a peaceful life. Their parents are instilling in them the values important to them, such as loyalty, hard work, and independence - and above all else love for family. These characters have 4 other active siblings.

Here are the guidelines per the original adoption:

Activity: While we would both like to see these puppies very active they won’t be policed very hard. Matching parents' activity is all that is asked.  
Designs: You know the drill by now. Designs supplied by us are not free to use for non Twivus puppy characters or off this site. And in the unlikely event your pup is reclaimed the design, art and tables will go with it. If you’re using one of our designs and want it modified a little let us know! If you use your own design the previous rules don’t apply. As long as it fits the litter's theme it should be fine, but run it past us if you’re not sure
Mutations: Neither parent has a natural mutation, but you are welcome to add them!
Heights/size: Corvus is 42” tall so height will be discounted 25% to that point, and then Twig is only 28” so there is quite a range your puppy could be.
Personality/ alignment: We’re mostly looking for neutral/ lawful based pups. Corvus and Twig both are in the middle, but it would make more sense for the pups to be similar or light leaning.
- Loyalty: A strong sense of duty and loyalty will be instilled in this litter from an early age. There’s no reason for the pups to be salty or disloyal fresh out of the womb, of course this can change with IC development but try and keep it real.
Names:  Nature or bird themed is preferable but we will entertain almost anything.
Other:  Extra pup passes will be purchased for you, and if there is any trouble with other purchases please let us know!


Application form:

<b>Name:</b> First name Destruction
<b>Sex:</b> male or female
<b>Size/Build:</b> height in inches, build as described by site rules
<b>Design:</b> one offered or one of your own
<b>Appearance:</b> site minimum
<b>Personality:</b> site minimum
<b>Skills:</b> Corvus and Twig both are Fighters/Hunters
<b>Plans:</b> long term goals or potential plots