
Re-adopting 2 Twig/Corvus kids!


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
09-05-2023, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2023, 06:17 PM by Hermes. Edited 9 times in total.)
DONE! <3

Name: Merlin 'Hawkeye' Destruction
Sex: Male

Size/Build: 35" Large/ Medium build

Appearance: Merlin’s base coat is the deep rich hues of wet sand. It stands as the perfect palette for the rest of his coat to play off of. The dark, sandy tones lighten into a gentle tan around his face, inside his ears, underneath his neck, running down his legs, and on the top of his tail.

Striping his face, the back of his neck, his ears, his legs, and the underside of his tail is the dark mud that appears after the first rains of the season. This dark brown also dapples his hind quarters, giving him some almost deer-like markings.

Between the dark markings and the light, a softer rich hue of chocolate. Painting his chest, ticking his back, and splotching his shoulders is a gentle beige that softens the boy’s appearance.

Finally, Merlin will have his father’s dark, forest green eyes that watch the world with quiet longing.

Personality: Adventurous, Daring, Devoted, Kind, Loving, Protective

From a young age, Merlin will have a love for adventuring. From traveling to new places to seeking out the best place to watch the sunrise, this boy will never lose the wonder that he finds in those awe-inspiring moments. The world is full of spectacular things and he will always do his best to find them.

This adventurous spirit will lead Merlin to be bold in everything he does. The boy will never leave words of love or encouragement unvoiced because he knows just how precious every moment with every wolf he loves is. Having Twig and Corvus as his role molds, the boy will be a devoted friend, confidant, and eventually, partner.

Kindness and love will something he easily gives and, when there are wolves who deserve it, Merlin will not hesitate to continuously shower them. From his mother, he will receive her passion, sweetness, and temperance and those traits will follow him through the rest of his life.

From his father, Merlin will gain his protectiveness and perseverance. All those that he believes too weak or seem unable to help themselves will get this boy as their protector… whether they want him or not. But, while he will never shrink away from a fight, this boy will also never seek to start them.

However, if you try to hurt one of his personal ‘charges’ prepare to regret ever crossing his path.

Skills: Fighting/Hunting
Plans: I see Merlin being a big old teddy bear. While he will be a fighter, I see him wanting to defend others more than himself. Maybe he will have a bully that tries to push his buttons and Merlin just keeps ignoring them. Until, one day, they say something about a family member and he knocks them out cold. Once all his siblings leave, I see Merlin being lonely and needing to find someone to protect (bodyguard specialty perhaps).