
Together by Choice

Varu seeking to join Khranbari in Valta


09-05-2023, 07:40 PM

Earth's colored canvas became nothing more but a seasoned memory. The arrival of winter came with looming clouds that carried a sheet of white. Snow littering the grounds after every flake found refuge on frozen land. Chills nipped at any and all caught out in such a storm that night. Much like always, when morning arrived, Khranbari found himself wandering the borders on patrol. Asla's urine heavily refreshed amongst a few others he did not know as of yet. They made his job a bit easier. Only having to ensure that all corners of their territory remained marked and free of unknown danger.

Paws crunching through freshly laid snow. Layers broken and flattened under each step. He pressed on through the familiar grounds. Khran still felt a bit weak from the encounter with the bear. A thought to check in on Athena coming to mind since that day was the first and last they'd spoken to one another. Ears strained in direction of the sunset falls. The season doing nothing to stop the flow. Liquid golds checking the surrounding area with a usual look of indifference.

So quick they were that Khran almost missed the earthen tones so close to their borders. Most of the falls were over the markings and the other rest just beyond it. A snarl bubbled up. Breaking free as he rushed to see who dared wander so close to Valta's clear signs of claim. Hackles raised, a howl fell into the sky from his lips. Calling forth Asla or anyone. If he had to deal with the matter himself, he would surely do so and suffer the consequences later. "Who are.... Varushka?"

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1. Together by Choice Sunset Falls 07:21 PM, 09-05-2023 05:17 AM, 11-13-2023