
How to burn one night




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-05-2023, 09:05 PM

The night of the flood had been a reminder of the power of nature. Charlie thanked the heavens that he had been able to recover Wylan before he linger in the water too long. He was worried for his nephew, and the recovery of many of their other members. He had suffered some bruises, some mild cuts from things in the water. Nothing that was too dangerous thankfully. He had spent much of the next few days cleaning up the smithing den, attempting to check on Wyl, and helping stock back up on the stores of much needed food. He worried for those that couldn’t hunt for themselves, but as much as he wanted to aid in his pack, he knew he needed to take a break, to step away from the Armada and do something for his own mental health.

He’d rediscovered a love of seeing the lands, and he wondered how things might have been different had the Armada been elsewhere. There were other thoughts too. A driving desire to help his family thrive and a flame that had burst forth roaring within his belly the moment he began proving himself. Charlie wanted to continue to strive for greatness. Whether it was working metal, or even something beyond that. How far would he go before he was satisfied with his progress? A smile lingered on his lips as he made his way a bit further south this time. He wanted to see what different materials he might find in lands outside the Armada. What resources they could benefit from. The Northern lands could be harsh, but they were also home.

But the cavern he discovered was so unlike anything else he’d experienced in the north. Unlike the mines there, this cave went into the ground. Charlie approached with caution, ears perked as he looked around with wonder. He ambled along, trusting his paws, listening for the signs and sounds of other creatures within. And then he saw a light. He kept going, soon entering a chamber with a soft blue glow. The color was striking, vivid, and Charlie looked around it in awe. The glow seemed to come from the fungi and moss that grew there. He padded toward a cluster of the shrooms and lowered his nose to sniff at them. Hmm, nope! The smell was off, and beside that the idea of eating something that glowed was probably not the smartest idea.

“What a peculiar place…” Charlie mused to himself. He lifted his head, aware of the sound of pawsteps approaching. Was this someone’s den? He turned his body back the way he came, ears perked as his posture grew guarded. Was it friend or foe that approached?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. How to burn one night Glowshroom Cavern 09:05 PM, 09-05-2023 04:33 PM, 03-08-2024
2. How to burn one night IC Archives 04:33 PM, 03-08-2024 07:24 AM, 02-17-2024
3. How to burn one night Glowshroom Cavern 07:24 AM, 02-17-2024 03:31 AM, 02-13-2024