



11-03-2013, 05:32 AM

The time had come. Caerul had watched the Glaciem woman flee, and he saw his brother off as he had gone for medical attention. Caerul had guarded his back in case an enemy tried to stop his dear brother, but none had come. He had been watching quietly, his defenses in place in case someone had come after him, but it would seem this part of the field was dwindling in numbers as the fighting ceased in some parts and grew in others. Wolves were fleeing and falling everywhere, and he knew that many were getting desperate. A growl would erupt in his chest when he saw a Valhallan medic get attacked by a Glaciem, and he was going to jump in until he saw his equine cousin charging towards the dishonorable Glaciem woman. A smirk played onto his lips, hoping to the stars that Obsidian would at least puniah the woman and break one of her legs for breaking the unwritten sin. It was not honorable in any way to attack a healer, anyone with any sense of moral knew that! With an ever increasing growl, his burning green eyes would search the fields...and there he saw his target. A black male with white markings, on the Glaciem side taunting and belittling Sarak. Did the Glaciem and Amentian scum have no sense of honor at all? It seemed not. With practiced ease, Caerul would realign his defenses as he shot off towards his victim. Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, head lowered over his throat, muscles and abdomen rigid, teeth bared, neck scrunched, claws digging in the ground for traction, tail out for balance and aligning with his spine, hackles rising in fury, his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his legs equalizing his weight. If Glaciem wanted to fight, then by the stars he would fight! Especially after they made the mistake of claiming his father.

Caerul neared his target from behind, and he would pinpoint exactly where he wanted to attack. He would leap the remaining few feet towards Vixe, jaws opening wide to meet his target. Caerul released a gruesome snarl, features contorted as he made an attempt to snap teeth and jaws down just a few inches from the base of Vixe's tail. He wanted to inflict pain on his enemies, and though he had been linient on one young enemy, he would not be this time. This one didn't deserve the chance he had given the black female, not after he heard what this one had been trying to taunt Sarak with. If Caerul's jaws met their mark, Then he would aim to break the bones and possible rip off his enemies tail by yanking his head towards Vixe's body at a 45 degree angle. Such a move would break and rip it off, as the force of his momentum would aid in it. If he missed, then his teeth would go for whatever else he could grab in reach. At the same time, he would use his left paw/foreleg to grab and hold Vixe's hind legs by swiping his own foreleg underneath and attempt to hug Vixe's legs to his lower chest. With this, he aimed to slow the man, or at the least unbalance him. "Don't listen to him Sarak! He lies!" he cried out, hoping that Sarak would not allow Vixe's mind games to work. It enraged him that a wolf would stoop so low as that, but in the end, he knew that the ones who lacked moral and honor would suffer the most. As he focused on his attack, Caerul would tuck in his tail so as not to make the mistake that Vixe had, and he spread his weight evenly. Toes splayed for balance, and his muscles would remain rigid as he sought to do all that he could to this Glaciem boy.

Fight Stats

Sarak & Caerul Vs. Vixe for Maim

Round: 1/2

Defenses: ||Before Attack||Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, head lowered over his throat, muscles and abdomen rigid, teeth bared, neck scrunched, claws digging in the ground for traction, tail out for balance and aligning with his spine, hackles rising in fury, his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his legs equalizing his weight.||During attack add ons||Tail tucks, muscles/abdomen rigid, toes splayed for balance, weight equal

Attacks: Attempts to grab Vixe's tail in his teeth just a few inches from the base and yank his tail towards Vixe's body at a 45 degree angle in attempt to break and rip off the tail using the force of his jaws and the momentum from his charge. If he misses, then he will bite whatever else he can. At the same time of his attempt, his left paw/foreleg will attempt to grab onto one or both of Vixe's hindlegs, and he will attempt to hug or hold his leg/legs close to his lower chest in an attempt to slow/hinder, trip or unbalance him.

Injuries: None

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think