

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-09-2013, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2013, 02:42 PM by Jupiter I.)

jupiter illidais

the pain that plagued her body was immeasurable. if she had thought that she had been sore as she set paw upon the battlefield and challenged pepper for the land of ludicael, she had been thoroughly and sorely (literally) mistaken. she limped heavily even though it was only her front legs that were minutely afflicted, for her ribs and chest screamed so terribly with pain that she wasn't quite sure how she had made it back onto the grounds that were no hers. she finally reached the outer right side of the territory that was sectioned off by the two sub-rivers of the land splitting from the main one that flowed into her home. she spied a large, felled log and decided that this would be her perch. this would be the stage in which she performed to welcome the first members of ludicael. that was, if they came.

if it weren't for the root-side end that tapered slightly to the ground she would have never made it up onto the entity. she settled gratefully down, a massive sigh of intense relief escaping from her maw as she gave her aching limbs and sides the rest they deserved. the fire-pelted creature allowed for her eyes closed, ears pressed forth as they captured the sound of mercury scrambling slowly up the path she had taken. a rumble of fondness, born in the depths of her sore chest, trickled from her maw as the tasmanian devil companion snuggled gently into her fur. she moved her left leg past him to draw him in and nestle him in the fur of her chest. he took care to avoid the wounds there, but nevertheless settled in between the front appendages of his friend.

"how's the nose?" she asked, chuckling slightly, though the motion stopped as the pain set in. she tilted her head to the side so her violet optics could examine the wound inflicted by her opponent when mercury had been protecting her.

"decent," he replied cheekily, "because unlike you i've always been able to take care of myself."

"oh," she countered, smiling, "which is why you would have totally survived even if i had left you by the rio grande in flood season as a hardly-weaned cub."

to this the grumpy creature answered audibly not, and only mumbled something insulting unintelligibly under his breath. jupiter filled her mind with thoughts, taking slow, deep breaths as she contemplated the way she would go about this, even though the rising and falling of her chest hurt her. who should she be to these wolves? jupiter or iterjup? she went by one name to others, but under it were two very different wolves. personalities, she corrected herself, not wolves. she's still me. still my creation.

it was here that jupiter decided to mix the two and selectively pick which traits she would omit. she would subtract the irritating ditsy portions of iterjup while keeping those that attracted others, but adding in the cool demeanor of what lie beneath. yes. this should work, she thought. she glanced down at her beloved friend, smiling despite the bruising that also nearly-visibly plagued her muzzle. then, she lifted her head, and howled, summoning those that may be nearby, and hopefully, pack-less.

? 542 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
don't worry about mirroring; most of this post was rambling anyway, sorry. :c

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.