
Together by Choice

Varu seeking to join Khranbari in Valta



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-05-2023, 11:20 PM

"Aslatiel Indarra"

Asla's galactic gaze cut back and forth between the pair of wolves. There was something going on there and she had to admit that she was a little curious. It wasn't her business, however. What these two were to one another meant little from the standpoint of an alpha. What did matter was the woman's skills and in what way she could add to Valta's safety and prosperity.

Striped haunches folded and Aslatiel seated herself in the snow, the fae's white tipped tail curling around one shapely hip. She was significantly smaller than the other two wolves, but that never crossed her mind. Asla was a giant where it counted. Grey ears swiveled, catching the woman's words. Varushka, the earthen fae called herself. And she came to join Valta, no less. Once more Asla's gaze shifted to Khran. His words met her ears and a soft chuckle pulled from the blonde and white fae. He didn't care, did he? Funny way of showing it.

"Well, Varushka, Valta is primarily a family pack. We value honor and hard work." A grin flashed on the fae's maw. "This fine gentleman is a testament to that." Yeah, she teased him a bit. Eventually he would lighten up some, she hoped. It had to be tiresome being so stiff all the time. Teasing or no, it was also a compliment. He had been working hard and his efforts had been noticed. They wouldn't go unrewarded either.

"It is expected that you continue to work on your skills so that you're the absolute best that you can be at whatever your particular skill set is. We have wolves of many talents here, so there will always be someone that can help teach or train." The tawny fae's brow lifted and she flashed the larger woman a grin. "Do, if you still wish to join Valta, then I will leave you with Khranbari. He can take you on a tour, show you the food stores and the storage den where you'll find furs and whatnot. He can also show you the empty dens. You're free to stay there or use them temporarily until you craft your own." She'd told Khran much the same when he'd joined. Asla looked to the black and grey brute once more. "Once you have Varushka acclimated to your liking, pay me a visit. We have things to discuss."

Aslatiel rose and gave her thick winter coat a little shake, ridding herself of clinging snow. With a flashing smile at Varushka, one galactic eye winked. "Welcome to Valta." With that, she turned and made her way back towards the common area of the pack, her pace leisurely. Another addition to the fold.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]

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1. Together by Choice Sunset Falls 07:21 PM, 09-05-2023 05:17 AM, 11-13-2023