
no time to bleed.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 07:43 PM

Erani had ventured out a little further in her gathering trip today. She almost wished that an enemy would pop out at her. She needed to vent, a rare thing for a healer. Her tail lashed irritably, before she set the anger aside and focused on gathering plants. Jaws gritting on tender plants wouldn?t bode well, and she needed to stock up as much as she could before winter, and any more attacks came. There would be more fighting. Cormalin had been taken. Azalea was in Glaciem, and Liberty as well. Not to mention the two Seracians. If more had been captured, it hadn?t reached her yet. All this over one wolf?s wounded pride.

She gave a soft huff through her nose, before lowering her head as she came to a lakeside shore. Watermint still thrived here, despite the season. It was a hardy plant, and would only die once Snow fell and froze it out. She nipped off as much as her jaws could carry, before the tread of paws made her ears pull back. She turned lightly, falling into a ready, balanced stance, teeth baring. However, the stance relaxed as she saw the stranger. Most notably, his eyes. He was blind. Eyes almost snowy in color, pupils indiscernible against the orbs. She could tell he knew she was there, with his understandably guarded and measured movements. What puzzled her was that he came to the lake?s edge, then lowered himself and curled up. Deep blue pools rested on the male, before she lowered her bundle to the ground at her paws, giving a soft whoof of acknowledgement and greeting. ?Good day, stranger.? Not really a good day, on her end. Her brother was a prisoner.

Her voice was soft velvet, low and gentle, with the Scottish and British mixture as her accent. It was a soothing voice, and a musical lilting of some sounds. ?Are you well??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think