
hale cometh down upon our spines

strai - seasonal



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-06-2023, 09:24 AM

Winter was upon Boreas. Snow that permanently covered the peaks of Fenrir Maw crept closer to the lower slopes. Burying pathways and hiding steep slopes, navigating the mountainside wasn't the brightest idea. Yet, the pup didn't want to be stuck inside. She wanted to be down on the Stone Steppe. Wanted to be out where it was at least slightly warmer and away from this cold shit. Yeah, she'd taken up swearing recently which was not welcomed by her parents. Not that she necessarily cared anymore. They couldn't stop her. Too busy dealing with their own lives and the other kids. Yep, just a forgotten little runt.

The sour thoughts are ripe in her mind as she stares out at the pelting snow. Filling every crevice and threatening to invade her space. Glancing over her shoulder to the tunnel that led down into the mountain where her siblings were hiding out, Delphi lets out a disgruntled rumble. She really didn't want to be stuck here. Looking back to the snow that got heavier as each minute passed, she concluded that she would brave it anyway. Quickly grabbing her satchel, as tattered as it was, and filling it with random supplies, and slipping a furred cloak over her shoulders, the pixie of a girl finally leaves.

Snow quickly covers her, wetting her fur and cloak, forcing her to squint through the whipping wind and forceful gales. Carefully, she picks her way down the thin trails through the building storm. Only minutes pass before hale is beginning to pelt her. The pings of hard rocks soon become painful. Hardly able to see and regretting her decision, Delphi tries to duck into a covered outcropping. Remnants of a fire smolder toward the back. Her eyes narrow as she spies someone else there too. "The fuck are you doing here?" She hisses as her ears instantly fold back against her head.

wc: 317/1500