
fish for dinner!

birna - seasonal


09-06-2023, 01:51 PM

Fish. They were everywhere. He had never seen an instance of this many fish ever before in his life. Not that he was some sort of fish expert or anything, but he had spent many an afternoon by the rivers that ran through Boreas. Fish was typically his main source of protein. They were easier to catch and they rarely fought back. Actually, as long as the fish was smaller than him, they never fought back. Which really made it the choice food for most of his meals. He did enjoy an occasional rabbit or mouse, but they were fast, pesky, and pretty dang loud when caught. Annoying it was if he had anything to say about it.

But right here, right now, he could see all the fish he ever wanted to see. Now, this feline preferred the lands of Boreas. While the tropical, balmy conditions of Auster suited his lineage better, he wasn't a fan of the deserted or dangerous lands. Unlike Boreas, Auster felt dangerous - especially with how close all of the packs were. Ugh. So he typically stayed in Boreas until now. Winter had come in at a blustery force, driving him south, past the Bifrost as it slowly began to flood.

Nearly swept away in the current as he crossed the Bifrost, Irving picked up his pace. Skirting the beach around the stinky wolf grove until he saw the mouth of a river just on the other side. There he sees the group of fish attempting to swim up river. The mouth of the river was actually almost gone itself. Water levels had risen to the point that the beaches were flooding as well. Irving's brow scrunches as he moves to the higher bank and stops for a moment. What was going on here? He'd heard of Auster being plentiful with prey, but fish didn't normally act like this. Well, one shouldn't deny a gift when presented, right?

Moving into the aspen forest, Irving began looking for sticks to use for a trap. If he could find some that were pliable enough, he could bend them into a fish basket. He wasn't the best at making this sort of trap, but good enough that it typically worked.

wc: 372/1500

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1. fish for dinner! Aspen Dam 01:51 PM, 09-06-2023 02:54 PM, 10-24-2023