
My White Knight

Ares 1


10-30-2013, 09:10 PM

The way they laid there together brought him more pleasure than any event in his life thus far. He didn't want their bodies to ever stop touching, it was an amazing moment that he would realize he enjoyed anther being more than the bloodlust his mother had taught him. Her words would once again flow from petite lips as they fell upon his bleached ears a stirring int his gut would distract him. How wonderful she made him feel! How had he survived so long while being mostly alone. "Our Home..." The words held such tantalizing prospects. "You'll have to meet Taurig, but I think he's asleep." His pale colored crown would tilt slightly, he had no knowledge of Taurig, but he would assume he had taken the pack.
He would once again be claimed by the land of the mountain where he had been birthed and grown. Where his mother had fallen and his spiral had began. Had his mother not failed them so horribly maybe he wouldn't even had been there with Devya. Maybe he would have helped Artemis in tearing her to pieces. The thought was an awful one, but it would be pushed out of him mind as Devya's frame disturbed them. Internally his heart would fall, but he realized they could not stay in the open forever. "I'll show you where our den is." He didn't want her to move but he knew that once they were safely in the den they would both feel much better. He would be able to clean her up, and hopefully find a healer. She needed rest more than anything, so as she painfully rose from the earth he would swiftly follow. Ares's shoulder would be there for her to lean on the rest of the way.
The pain she was experiencing was incredibly obvious, and as she pushed through his heart would ache. How he wished to cure her then and there, to rid her of the torment his sister had caused. Oh Devya.. He would start quietly, she would try to hide it from him but it was obvious how much she hurt, his nose would bury itself into her neck as he tried to comfort her,I wish I knew how to fix you up. More of his quiet words would trickle from his mouth as a concerned expression remained upon his face. He would smile back for her, but it could not conceal his worry for her. Yes, lets get to the den so you don't have to move anymore.
