
I Am Titanium




Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
09-06-2023, 02:50 PM
Dorian returned his sister's smile and relaxed a bit as he was assured that everything was fine. He knew what this was likely about, but given how suddenly things had been changing and shifting lately he had to be sure that nothing had taken a turn for the worst. He settled in to wait for the others to arrive, but didn't have to wait long before Lyonesse trotted up to them with a cheerfulness that was obviously forced–or at least obvious to him–and she was soon followed by the sound of heavy paws that pulled his attention. He was surprised by the appearance of Saga walking toward them. He offered his sister a welcoming smile, replying, "Welcome back." Her expression was hard to read, but with as much turmoil as they had all experienced as of late he wasn't that surprised. Corbin rounded out the group and with his brother's question to Haydeé he also turned his attention back to his sister to listen to her speak.

He sat quietly while Haydeé explained the current state of their mother and her continued deterioration that he had witnessed first hand. It had been difficult to see their mother in such a state, but he was glad to hear that she had finally at least agreed to receive help. Hearing that Haydeé had taken the initiative to step up and be the Leader in their mother's absence wasn't all that surprising. Out of all of them she had always been the most proactive and had focused the most of her attention on their mother after their father's murder. He nodded with understanding as she shared the news, giving her a small, proud smile. When she mentioned that he had given their mom a check up and recommended that she needed more help than they could give her he nodded to confirm it as fact, but his expression darkened a bit with a frown tugging at his lips. He hated this feeling of falling short and not being able to help their mother when she needed it most, but he was still learning and his knowledge was almost exclusively in the realm of herbs and treatments–not so much in ways to help someone who was struggling mentally. He was still sorting out his own grief so helping his mother navigate hers was beyond him even though it pained him to admit it.

When Haydeé asked them to help her with keeping things running smoothly while she got their mother settled in The Hallows he pulled another smile onto his muzzle and gave her a nod without hesitation. "Of course." If there was one thing he could confidently commit to right now it was working so if continuing on with his work was going to help his dear sister then he could certainly do just that. He would just need to shift more focus to patrols and keeping an eye on the pack rather than just working on his herbs and the gardens. Part of him wished he could go with her to The Hallows to get their mother settled there and discuss things with their healers, but he knew he was needed here more and that the famed healers of their neighboring pack would be more than capable of doing what he could not.


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1. I Am Titanium Lazuli Falls 03:30 PM, 08-15-2023 06:16 AM, 11-05-2023