
Rubbish collection




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (60)

3 Years
Extra large

09-07-2023, 12:57 AM

Questioning why he was here was a completely fair question given the fact that he had only been here for a short amount of time and had yet to cross paths with her in this time. "Something like that," he replied with a chuckle as he started to comb through the near by brush and undergrowth in search of anything else that was worth saving and anything that needed to be disposed of–like the bits of food and furs that were beyond cleaning. "My mom is a good friend of Sirius. I wanted to sharpen my fighting skills and she suggested I go seek out other teachers and tutors and told me to start with him. That brought me here. So I am new to the Armada, but not as a member. More like a visitor."

She did eventually give him some direction for what she was looking for even if it was very vague at first. Coats and belongings basically meant anything that wasn't a bush or a tree. He wouldn't press her for more information and was content to just continue on the clean up and search in silence if that's what she preferred, but then she mentioned a very particular bracelet that "someone" was looking for. He glanced up at her, fully knowing without her having to say it that she was the "someone". "We'll find it," he assured her after a moment of consideration and then went to work, his mint and golden brown gaze scouring the ground as he methodically began to search for her lost valuables.

It was shocking just how much stuff got washed away from the dens within the Col and out into the surrounding trees. Of course there was plenty of pelts and such that were building into a sizable pile off to the side of the clearing, but there was also some more unique things like a cloth bag that had some now very mushy herbs inside and a waterlogged fur pillow that had begun to get a musty, mildew smell. Some things were more salvageable, like a few clay bowls that could easily be washed off and even come of the furs that had managed to land more flat on the ground and had already begun to dry in the sun. Eventually, after a good deal of searching, be moved aside a carved piece of wood that might have been a shelf at one point and just as he was about to move on he caught a glimpse of some kind of gem poking through a layer of silt.

His ears perked and he tossed the wood aside so he could carefully pull the leather cuff free from the dirt, seeing the strips hanging from either side that Kite had described. Malik took it over to a near by puddle just to quickly rinse off the worst of the dirt before he turned back to where Kite was standing, seeing her looking contemplatively at some kind of ball-shaped toy. Walking over to her, he held up the bracelet to her with it resting across his paw pads. "Is this what you were looking for?" he questioned, hoping he had managed to find the long lost bracelet.

"Malik of the Sea"

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1. Rubbish collection Mile-High Woods 09:52 PM, 09-06-2023 03:05 PM, 03-31-2024