
Rubbish collection




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-07-2023, 01:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2023, 01:51 AM by Kyanite. Edited 2 times in total.)

Half sister in law? That was enough to make her head spin. How did someone become a half sister in law? Did that mean Art was his half brother? She wrinkled up her nose as she thought it through. “A General? That’s pretty impressive” She said agreeably, already forgetting about her earlier thought of her dad with some stranger. The name Tamsyn didn’t ring a bell, but then she hadn’t had much interest in the history of the pack.

“Me, too. I need to clean this” She said, already forgetting about the half-assed clean up job she had done to cover what she had really been looking for. She glanced over at the piles and shrugged. “Come on” She said to Malik as she took off towards the stream that ran through the forest. Since finding her bracelet, she was already treating him vastly differently than she had a moment ago. He had gone from a nobody to a ‘somebody’ in the blink of an eye.

So she may as well hang out with him, at least for a little bit. That meant taking him to the steam, she needed to give the bracelet a real proper clean, and ensure the cheetah-tie was undamaged. That was the important part. Even if any scent of her mother had long faded from it. When Malik apologised for her loss, she flattened her ears. She didn’t want to talk about it. “Doesn't matter, it was like… ages ago anyway.” she said dismissively. As if the most life changing event in her short time didn’t matter.


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1. Rubbish collection Mile-High Woods 09:52 PM, 09-06-2023 03:05 PM, 03-31-2024