
Evil Minds That Plot Destruction

Isa Fighting Seasonal


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-07-2023, 12:14 PM

Winter is in full swing in Boreas and that means that the small Auster girl is miserable. For Haydée it should be summer and warm but, as she makes her round to certain packs in Boreas, the girl cannot help but feel depressed by the weather. Thankfully, Sirius of the Armada had given her a coat to keep her warm as she makes her way out of the mountain ranges and the girl sends him another silent thanks as she goes. She is cutting through the Polar Sound so she can approach Elysium’s borders since her mother had said that they are on good terms with the pack. Halfway toward the cliffs, the dark clouds that have followed her, open up and unleash their fury, pelting her and the world with hail and rain.

The frozen pieces of water are small and more of an annoyance than actually dangerous and the girl pulls the coat more tightly around her shoulders against the rain. She takes every opportunity she can to duck underneath the safety of nearby trees to avoid the worst of the hail and rest. It is under one of those towering giants that a stranger’s voice reaches her ears. “Well, hello there little one.” Their words are filled with dark humor, malice, and excitement and her ears pin back against her skull as she spins around to find a huge, dire male and two smaller ones slowly stalking toward her. Haydée stands tall, trying to appear bigger than she is as she raises her hackles and growls lowly back at them, “Stay away.”

The girl had missed their approach because the rain has muddled all the scents and the men had been smart enough to hide underneath it all. They chortle darkly at her, fanning out as they slowly move to flank her. Rain drives down in endless sheets as Hay slowly backs away, trying to keep them from getting behind her as the dire male sneers back at her, “Is that any way to greet three weary travelers? Come now, little girl. Where are your manners?” She can read their intent by the lust that fills their eyes and pure fear floods her veins. Hail smacks against the ground, drumming out a beat that her heart seems to match.  But she cannot give up, she has a whole pack to take care of!

Small paws continue to push her backward at a slow, controlled pace, slipping over tiny pebbles but she manages to stay standing. Again, she bites out, “Stay away. I have friends close by!” The threat is spat at them through the curtain of rain but the alpha of the group simply laughs and says, “Oh really? We have tracked you for a while and guess what? No one is traveling with you. So, I will ask again, where are your manners?” The two lackies are pushing her toward the cliffs, trying to cut off any escape route before they all descend upon her. Reading their plan, Haydée suddenly stops and stands tall in the face the biggest male head, bitting out, “Back. Off.” The words are harsh, filled with contempt as the male’s widens his eyes, feigning hurt while the other two make it around behind her.

Lifting a large paw to his chest, the man says, “Is that anyway to treat your superior… little one?” The last words are spat out with disgust, his temper finally beginning to bubble over. The rain has all members soaked and the girl is able to track the progress of the two behind by the sound of their paws slipping over the pellets of ice. Haydée knows that one of the two wolves behind her will be attacking soon and that, what is about to happen, is their fault for underestimating her and thinking that she would travel unprepared. The thick coat hides her armor and deadly weapon until it is too late.

A howl lifts into the cold air from the male at her back right, trying to unnerve the small girl and get her off her game. But she is ready, swinging toward the male on her left as he suddenly lunges in. Head snaps down as she turns, grabbing ahold of the Damascus steel bowie knife’s handle and sliding it free. Hail pelts them, making the ground slick while also obscuring her vision. She raises the knife, slashing upward and she feels the steel bite deeply. The man howls in outrage, stumbling backward as blood pours from where his left eye had been. Hate filled curses fill the air and he lifts a paw to gingerly touch the empty socket before growling out, “You, bitch! She took my eye!”

That seems to be the invitation other two needed to attack and Haydée swings around, slashing and stabbing at the pair as the pieces of hail grows bigger. The rain is now driving harder, making the ice hit with bruising force and it knocks the girl sideways when one strikes her head. But she cannot afford to let it to distract her, and she continues to swing as her paws slip and slide with every turn. She does her best to fend off the bigger men who seek to do her harm, hoping that someone is close and has heard the howls that had filled the air. Mostly, she hopes that someone will come to help her.

A large paw suddenly hooks underneath one of her front legs as one of her back paws lands on an piece of hail and the girl is sent tumbling off to the side. She holds onto her knife for dear life, knowing that, if she releases it, it will spell her death. The ground is slick from the rain and hail and she struggles to stand as the three brutes descend upon her.

WC: 975
Total WC: 975 / 1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Evil Minds That Plot Destruction The Polar Sound 12:14 PM, 09-07-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024