
Unfortunately Mandatory

Pack Meeting


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
09-08-2023, 09:15 AM

First arrives Flurry and as she approaches and bumps his shoulder with hers, he smiles. Returning the shoulder bump, he watches her circle around and takes a seat nearby. His own inner pride swells now with the thought that finally one of his pups wanted to take after him. Next is Ajax who hardly gives glances at him before lounging across an old chair. Gil chooses to ignore it. The Harbinger had proven himself thus far and he would take what he could get. After is Rivin who sulks to a dark corner and Gil is not surprised. His eyes linger on her for a moment, wishing to tell her to come closer, but he holds back. His son, Scald, arrives before he has a chance to say much to the three already present. Scald's disinterest in him is also not surprising and Gil chooses not to address the lanky teenager just yet.

Moments later, Calico Jack enters, shooting him a bright grin before going to lay beside Rivin. This development also leaves Gil slightly surprised, but again, he isn't surprised. Then came Ignis who still tended to his back wound with care. Gil merely looks over to the Provoker with mild interest, knowing he has to speak with the man at some point, but again, maintains his spot near the fire as he waits for the rest. In comes Diablo who also resolves to sulk in the back. Why was everyone sulking around the edges? It is then that Gil finally lets out a rather disappointed snort from his nostrils, but still chooses to remain silent. Not everyone was there yet. It is then that Ares and Pheonix join them and he politely returns the smile thrown his way. At least those two appeared better than they had lately.

Gil waits a few more minutes to see if any of the other members would show. So far, he knows Modesty will not attend as she is caring for their pups. He notices Sakana is missing as well and chalks it up to Modesty probably needing help with all seven of the puppies. Next, he notices Deluge missing which does surprise him because she doesn't normally let him down, but after recent events, he assumes she's off lolligagging with that ex-Armada boy. Disappointed but not allowing it to let him down, he sees that Sparrow is also not here. Probably going to be fashionably late, which he doesn't mind. If she wanted anything, she knew where to find him. Lastly, he notices that Ares' other boy is not here and he lets his gaze linger on Ares for a moment to question if he knew where the boy was. It was important that all of the youth attend...

--- TLDR: Gil noticing everyone arriving, meeting starts here ---

The Raid King turns to address the pack. They know he does not care for words, but it was needed. Armada had successfully raided the archipelago and he wouldn't stand for them to keep losing. There was too much to be done and if they wanted to be a pack that everyone else respected or feared, everyone needed to put in some work. Inhaling a deep breath, he exhales slowly while turning to stoke the fire in hopes it will warm up the chilly room. Smoke tumbles above and seeps from the hole in the ceiling. They were merely wolves after all, not construction workers. As he turns back to the group, he begins his speech.

"I am proud of everyone that showed up to defend the archipelago," he starts and allows his gaze to settle on each wolf before moving on. "While Armada bested us, we made a good attempt. I would like us to keep trying to win. Train, practice, get new members, and widen your skill sets. It is important that we do not get lazy. I did not move us out to the Isle for a vacation. We needed a change, privacy, and a place to grow and learn so we could be a formidable force," there is another pause as his gaze turns toward the center of the room. "That being said, there is some news I need to share. As some may have noticed, Modesty was pregnant and has since given birth to a healthy litter of seven puppies which is why she is not in attendance today. Sakana has been staying with her and due to his efforts, he is being promoted to Sawbone, a lead medic for the pack. Next, I'm shifting Rivin to Regent instead of Raider," his eyes move to her so she knows how serious he is. "If anyone needs herbs, medicines, or plants, or would like to help Rivin set up a garden, please see me first," he adds before moving his gaze to Calico Jack. "Next, I am promoting Calico Jack to Advocate. He is in training to be my advisor and as such, he will be leading the next raid. He will call our next raid meeting once he is ready for us to go," Gil smiles briefly at Jack before moving on. "Last but not least for promotions, Flurry is officially being titled the Scion, which means she is the heir to Raider's Hollow. While she cannot make official decisions, I do expect everyone to treat her with the same respect as you would myself or Modesty," he turns to look at Flurry before looking back to the group.

"If you would like to do more for the pack, to rise in the ranks, please see me in the next coming days or weeks. It will be up to you to see to your promotions. I am no babysitter, but I am here to help. If you need training, we will get you it. If you need to talk," his eyes then turn to Ignis, becoming more a hard, stern stare for only a moment, "find me," his voice is terse before he fluidly shifts back. "Otherwise, keep doing what you are doing. The Isle is looking good. We need to finish the bridge toward the mangroves quickly as winter sets in. Then we can move the raft over toward the side that faces the archipelago so we have a way to maneuver in the water without swimming. If you have found a room that you would like to make your permanent residence, please inform me so I don't move anyone into it. Oh, and I'm putting out rewards. First to recruit a new member that is not family, will get a prize," he smiles a cheeky grin as he finishes up his speech. "The floor is open for anyone to speak," Gil finally sits himself back down upon the stone floor with the warm and blazing fire to his back.


gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him

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1. Unfortunately Mandatory Daager Isle 09:55 AM, 08-31-2023 04:03 PM, 10-11-2023