
What's the hurry?

For Bunni

You're not feeling so well...



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-08-2023, 08:52 AM

The thing about Delphi was that there was no stopping her. No border, no pack, no nobody was going to keep her trapped anymore. As afraid as she was to get injured again, she was just as much inspired to deal with the same amount of hurt. No more would she be some weak, defenseless, useless little runt. No, not anymore. She would prove to be useful. Especially when it came to poisons. Lethal ingredients that she could use to slip to her worst enemies.

That is what brought her out to the knolls that day. She was in search of a berry that went by buckthorn. It was an alder of sorts, but she also knew that the berries could induce extreme stomach pain and diarrhea and the bark could cause someone to vomit. The berries would be a perfect prank for that asshole that continued to torment her back on the mountain. Or if she ever came across that cruel mongrel that had taken her tail... Unfortunately, she couldn't stop thinking about that day, that moment, those minutes that ticked by as she ran away bleeding back home. Tears streaming down her face...

In the middle of trying to calm herself down so that she could search for her quandary, she did not notice the much larger boy ahead of her. It isn't until her companion, Binti the binturong, lets out an alarming call does she look up with a glowering expression. Ears flattened, hackles raised, teeth bared until she noticed the striking marking across the boy's eye. A Fatalis?

"You know grampa Seer?" Delphi calls out as she stays frozen in place. If this wolf was indeed not a Fatalis, she would not let her guard down.