
Work it Out


10-31-2013, 05:38 PM

She would stalk around Tortuga in the dead of night, moving like a threatening ghost. It was time for her to go, and yet she could feel it in her gut that the siege waged on. There was no point in going home to an empty land - no, things needed to settle before she showed her face in Glaciem again. Half of her just knew they would hate her the moment she arrived, and the other half held onto the hope that Isardis would not turn on her as quickly as he had Taurig. Her head hung low, tail as well - for here.. she was nothing. In Glaciem she was a warrior, a dangerous being, someone to be thought of as powerful - and yet here she was nothing more than a gnat. She had no purpose, nothing other than a trophy for Taurig to wag around as proof that he'd - in some small way - participated in his ex-father's siege. She remembered them all, Talon mostly. He'd had such aspirations for life, no doubt he was safely at home. What was it she'd told him? She couldn't recall. There was Seth too, the pitiful child she'd told to buck up and act like a man. Good thing he wasn't here to see her like this. Almost immediately her countenance would change, her ears would flicker forward and her head would rise to a comfortable level. Tail flagged out behind her for no reason other than because it felt nice. Who cared who saw.. who cared who got mad at her for looking dominant. It wasn't as if Taurig would ever be mad at her. She would halt her pacing as a rustling in the bushes alerted her to the presence of another - perhaps more than one. Head would rise an inch more followed by her tail as she spoke commandingly, ?Show yourself.? He'd stolen her as a Sentinel, and she would remain so until her rightful return to Glaciem.
