
Need You Now


10-31-2013, 06:00 PM

Already the King could feel the relief flooding over him. He had not thought through the idea of letting Pontifex go and fight, and when he'd found himself without the Grand Duke, he had worried probably more than he should have. But now he had Dragon - who seemed truly eager and willing to help out in any way that he could. He assured the King that he would begin preparations at once, and the King nodded in affirmation. He would of course help, but it was nice to know the responsibilities weren't entirely on him. Dragon continued with more relaxed speech, assuring the King that he did not have to bear the weight alone, and that he was truly dedicated to the position and the Kingdom. Emerald eyes danced with the threat of a tear or two, but the King held it back. Another topic was brought up, Dragon had taken Aeil as his wife! A jubilant smile would greet the monarch's features as a chuckle rolled forth from slightly parted jaws. Dragon requested a wedding be had, and the King could not help but agree. ?Certainly, certainly! Of course we will wait for the siege to die down and our warriors to return, but I assure you Aeil will receive what she deserves. She's a fine woman, Dragon - you two will be a marvelous pair.? He saw something of the same joy in Dragon's eyes as he did in his own when he thought of Epiphron, and that encouraged the King beyond words. Despite all of this war and destruction, there was hope and joy in Seracia's future.
