
My problem is I'm mature and childish, I'm mildish



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

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4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-09-2023, 02:38 AM

It wasn't entirely unusual to have a call from the border from time to time, though it was perhaps less likely out here in their corner of Boreas that was more tucked away than some other packs–especially now that their new neighbor had them slightly blocked off on one side. Still, even when they did have visitors the calls were always echoing from the mainland since the usual path to reach the island connected to one of their other claimed lands. That was why when Avacyn heard a call from much closer to the island than she was used to she was immediately alert with her brow furrowing with confusion and concern.

It probably would have benefited her to wait for her mate or one of the other warriors to join her before she approached what could have been an intruder, but she was quite close to the shore when the call reached her and she would rather have the chance to cut off the stranger at the pass rather than give them the chance to move further into the large island. It was only a few moments after the howl ended that she loped onto the shore, her dark gaze shifting from side to side down the length of the beach for the source of the summons... only to realize that the stranger wasn't on the shore at all, but perched out in the frigid ocean water.

Befuddled and concerned–and maybe slightly amused by the sight of just the head and paws of a wolf poking out of the waves–Ava hurried over to the edge of the water, motioning for the other wolf to join her on land. "Come onto the shore before you freeze!" she insisted, quickly deciding she'd rather keep the wolf from freezing to death in front of her and figure out how she ended up there later.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. My problem is I'm mature and childish, I'm mildish Alias Island 10:12 PM, 09-08-2023 07:47 PM, 04-18-2024