
They don't get you like I will



5 Years
Extra large
10-31-2013, 07:29 PM

Despite the shock that was ripping through his body at her initial set of words, the small remark she made about Isardis made half of his dark lips twitch upwards in a half smirk. She did have a point. He was a lot like a tantum throwing pup, yelling and screaming and kicking and biting those who didn't allow him to get his way. It was rather ridiculous that a self-proclaimed King would allow himself to act in such a childish fashion, but it was the way of Isardis and there was no changing the bastard unfortunately.

But the amusement lasted only a moment, fading away with the passing breeze as he watched Maija's features become just a little bit more serious, her words weighing down heavily on him. Yes there was, but it's irrelevant now. I'm here. I'm home. I'm in one piece and you have nothing to worry about Maija... A touch of tenderness would sneak its way into the Re's voice as her name swept across his tongue, but he would have to hold his tongue as the golden beauty would continue to speak. I have loved and lost before...The pain I felt from my husband's absence made me act as if I was someone else. I didn't want to go through that again, especially after meeting you... Lately, I have been torn between holding onto the past and moving on with my life here. My life had you in the picture, if you can believe it...I was afraid to even tell you how I leaving made me regret not saying anything.

Husband. It was the first word that struck out to the titan from her speech. She had been married. Or was still technically married, her husband was just MIA. It made the cobalt's stomach drop to his paws and his throat tighten just a little bit. She was married. How could he not have seen it? But he would push aside that fact to continue to analyze the rest of her words. She'd been hurt, just as he had, and she didn't want to go through it again, especially after meeting him. Dark brows would furrow together with concern, but her next words would shed some light. My life had you in the picture, if you can believe it... He was a part of her life? The Re would slowly allow himself to sit before her, icy gaze never leaving her emerald one as he slowly mulled over the meaning of her words. She...felt something for him, right? That had to be it. It had to be. Maija I... He trailed off unsure of how to continue. I feel...protective of you, more than anyone else. It's in my nature to protect those close to me, but I would put my life on the line for you in the blink of an eye. I went to the war for you, so I could keep Isardis away from here...away from you. I couldn't live with myself if he had managed to get to you and I hadn't been there to protect you...

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